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What is Critical Reflection

Handbook of Research on Learning Outcomes and Opportunities in the Digital Age
Critical reflection is an activity during which we challenge the validity and appropriateness o of our assumptions and beliefs within our present context ( Mezirow, 1990 ). According to Brookfield (1990) AU29: The in-text citation "Brookfield (1990)" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. critical reflection requires three phases of activity:
Published in Chapter:
Reflective Learning in the Digital Age: Insights from Confucius and Mezirow
Viktor Wang (Florida Atlantic University, USA) and Rosaria Torrisi-Steele (Griffith University, Australia)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9577-1.ch019
Despite being separated by time span, Confucian learning and Meizirow's ideas are not so divergent as one may initially think. In this paper it is argued that the two perspectives intersect and can thus be used, in a complimentary manner, to formulate a model of learning through critical reflection. It is proposed that the model developed in the present paper offers a valuable framework for helping learners in digital environments become reflective, critical thinkers – an attribute that the authors believe is of paramount importance for a more positive future.
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Classroom Teachers and Reflection: Renewal, Rejuvenation, and Improved Practice
The detailed examination of a practice coupled with thoughtful analysis and determination of effectiveness and possibly transformation ( Cranton, 1996 ).
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Post-Pandemic Agents and Culture Vultures: Women in Higher Education
A process of identifying, questioning, and assessing our deeply held assumptions.
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Teaching What We Don't Know: Community-Based Learning as a Tool for Implementing Critical Race Praxis
The first component of praxis that requires people to examine how their identity characteristics shape their lived experiences because of societal norms and social systems.
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Inclusive Frameworks in Online STEM Teaching and Learning
A process of recognizing, assessing and challenging presuppositions or assumptions about issues known, the way the world is perceived and the beliefs and values we foster.
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Teacher Identity, Growth Mindset, and Agency: Changing the Trajectory of Teacher Retention
An exercise where one describes, questions, and analyzes their knowledge, feelings, and behaviors to create an action plan for the future.
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The Strategic Address of Marginalisation in Higher Education: Pedagogical Approaches to the Integration of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
A process of recognising, assessing, and challenging pre-suppositions or assumptions about issues known, the way the world is perceived and the beliefs and values we foster.
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Fostering Global Citizenship in Higher Education: Development of an International Course in Global Health
A process, seeks to engage an individual in ‘scratching below the surface’ to be deep and accurate when determining the value of a decision, experience, or theory. An essential step in transformative learning.
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Navigators on the Research Path: Teaching and Mentoring Student Qualitative Researchers
When through engaging in self-reflection, learners experience a “shift in perspective, a change in consciousness, or a transformation of mind” (Drago-Severson & Maslin-Ostrowski, 2014, p. 201).
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Using Cyberspace to Promote Transformative Learning Experiences and Consequently Democracy in the Workplace
This refers to the reflection on experience that reveals the underlying assumptions, values, and beliefs that compel a person to act as she/he does in a particular situation and to interpret the actions of another in a particular way; thus critical reflection unveils one’s “frames of reference” as Mezirow calls them or one’s “espoused theories of action” as Argyris and Schon referred to them. Critical reflection is necessary before transformative learning may occur, but critical reflection does not necessarily lead to transformative learning.
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Online Instructional Strategies for Enhancing Teachers' TPACK: Experiences, Discourse, and Critical Reflection
A reasoning process for making meaning of an experience that can be articulated in a number of ways such as in written form, orally, video production, and presentation software (PowerPoint).
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Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education
Questioning previously-held beliefs and assumptions, resulting in the acquisition of a new perspective based on that action.
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Examining Adult Learning Assumptions and Theories in Technology-Infused Communities and Professions
The Victorian Government Department of Education and Training in Australia, defines critical reflection as an extension of critical thinking. Critical reflection asks us to think about our own practice and ideas and then it challenges us to step back and examine our thinking by asking probing questions.
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A Text Mining Analysis of Faculty Reflective Narratives on Their Participation in the TeachTech Program at The University of Texas at El Paso: Implications for Integrating IT Technologies Into College Pedagogy
A term to describe the process by which people identify the assumptions to guide their actions, locate the cultural and historical contexts of these assumptions, inquire the meaning of these assumptions, and develop different ways of actions.
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Equitable Assessment Practices
The process of evaluating, reviewing, and analyzing one’s practice and ideas that often challenges the current practice by asking probing questions.
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Philosophy, Theory, and Praxis: Gamification Pedagogy in Global Higher Education
A process of recognising, assessing and challenging pre-suppositions or assumptions about issues known, the way the world is perceived and the beliefs and values we foster.
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Socially Responsible, Transformative Leadership for STEM Graduates
Although there is a lack of consensus on the meaning, it is used in the present chapter to refer to the process of becoming aware of and critically considering beliefs and values.
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Developing Reflection on Values as a Foundation for a Business Career
Our ability to analyse issues raised by our own experiences; this may help us to become more aware of the extent to which we use our rational and empathic capacities when we act under pressure.
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Critical Thinking: Centering Teachers' Knowledge and Understanding
The ways in which teachers use questions to examine and re-examine their instructional practices, justify their decisions and think of ways in which to improve or change their instructional practice.
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Redefining the Higher Education Landscape through Problem-Based Learning
Questioning and actively adjusting previously learned practice.
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Organisational Philosophy and Culture: Human Capital as Pivot, Women as Fulcrum
A process of identifying, questioning, and assessing our deeply held assumptions.
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CMC and E-Mentoring in Midwifery
Evaluating and challenging the status quo with view to making emancipatory changes
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Strategies for Planning, Developing, and Implementing a Heuristic for Inclusive Instructional Design for Higher Education Settings
The process of analyzing positions of power and privilege with an aim to create inclusive teaching and learning environments.
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Using Service-Learning Field Placements to Radically Transform Teacher Education From the Inside Out: The College Pals Model
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Supporting and Facilitating Pedagogical Creativity With Gamification: Democracy, Agency, and Choice
A process of recognising, assessing, and challenging pre-suppositions or assumptions about issues known, the way the world is perceived and the beliefs and values we foster.
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Shifting Practices to Empower Teachers and Students: Putting the “Critical” in Language Awareness
The active questioning and challenging of biases at micro (self), meso (schools), and macro (society) levels that leads to action in the name of equity and justice.
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One to One Computing and Teacher Transformation
Questioning previously-held beliefs and assumptions, resulting in the acquisition of a new perspective based on that action.
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Using Critical Reflection to Deepen and Assess Graduate Student Learning
“[A] critique of the presuppositions on which our beliefs have been built” (Mezirow, 1990, p. 8 AU117: The in-text citation "Mezirow, 1990, p. 8" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).
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Participatory and Appreciative Action and Reflection in Adult Learning: Transformation as Appreciative Reflection
It is the process of analyzing, questioning and reframing experiences within a broad context of issues (e.g., issues related to social justice, curriculum development, learning theories, politics, culture, or use of technology). This kind of reflection is often based on critical or unexpected events, or break down routines in professional practice.
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Inclusive Learning for the Rural Healthcare Professional: Considering the Needs of a Diverse Population
The process through which individuals examine personal assumptions through various lenses including: autobiographical reflection, lenses of others and literature ( Brookfield, 1995 , p. xiii).
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Back to the Future: Community Engagement and Metagogy
The concept has its roots in critical theory as much as in tenets of experiential learning. It is a key process the practice of action learning, such as in CBE methods and socially-situated learning activities.
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Rubric to Determine a Quality Online Discussion Posting
Critical reflection refers to a person’s ability to reflect critically on his/her experiences, integrate the knowledge acquired from these experiences with the previous knowledge, and then be able make an informed decision based on insights he/she gained from the new and previous experiences.
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“Walking the Talk” in Special Educator Preparation for Neurodiversity
A metacognitive process in which individuals evaluate and intentionally challenge their understandings in an on-going and generative manner so as to expand and improve upon their existing knowledge and skills.
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CMC and E-Mentoring in Midwifery
Evaluating and challenging the status quo with view to making emancipatory changes
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Before K and Beyond 20: The Sustainable Learning Paradigm
The process of analyzing and questioning experiences and assumptions in order to learn from them.
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Unleashed, Harnessed, and Empowered: The Potential of Women in the Change Management and Leadership of Crises
A process of identifying, questioning, and assessing our deeply held assumptions.
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Transformative Learning in the Workplace
Questioning and challenging beliefs and assumptions that were previously uncritically assimilated.
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Fostering Change, Transforming Learning: Pedagogical Approaches to Carceral Education
A process through which the meaning of an experience is made through applied curiosity about one's thinking, feeling, and doing.
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The Online Adult Learner: Profiles and Practices
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Transformative Learning
Learners engage in questioning their understanding or experience by exploring the underlying meaning, assumptions, and implications ( Brookfield, 1990 ). Critical thinking might include examining why they think the way they do, alternate viewpoints, and perspectives, and reconsidering their values, assumptions, and/or beliefs. Critical reflection is the core skill and task that drives emancipatory and transformative learning.
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Bridging Theory and Practice: Reflective Learning in Higher Education
A critical stance taken toward oneself, one’s own assumptions and beliefs.
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Promoting Cultural Competence, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Higher Education With Ludic Pedagogies: The Establishment of Authentic Meaning Making
A process of recognising, assessing, and challenging pre-suppositions or assumptions about issues known, the way the world is perceived, and the beliefs and values we foster.
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Promoting Prospective TESOL Educators' Critical Reflection Through the 4D Framework
The exploration and questioning of the existing assumptions and/or ideologies, and taking new actions considering sociocultural, political, moral, and emotional factors.
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Women and Crisis Management in Higher Education: Lessons in Leadership From a Global Pandemic
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Distance Learning Essentials
King and Wang (2007) consider critical reflection as the theory of reflectivity as used by Europeans and it is defined by Mezirow (1990 , 1991 , 2000 ) as having 10 stages that progress from a characteristic “disorienting dilemma” that uses an experience of imbalance in one’s life as an opportunity for considering new perspectives.
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Challenging Deficit Thinking in Our Schools: It Starts During Educator Preparation
The ability to carefully analyze performance to provide specific areas of strength and also improvement.
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Reflection and SoTL: Putting Reflection (Back) on Faculty Radar
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The Evolution of Consumerism in the Marketing Education: A Critical Discussion Based on Mezirow's Critical Reflection
Reflection is a “looking back” on experiences. Critical reflection is the process of analysing, reconsidering and questioning experiences within a broad context of issues. The process can be broken down into four (4) dimensions, which address the different activities and levels of reflection (a. comprehensive observation, b. comprehensive description, c. making meaning and d. adding depth and breadth to the meanings). Difficulties are resulted by the subjective nature of emotions involved in each experience. Mezirow underlines the role of habits that are determined by sociocultural, mental and epistemological distortions.
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Laptops and Teacher Transformation
Questioning previously-held beliefs and assumptions, resulting in the acquisition of a new perspective based on that action.
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“But We've Got No Power”: The Leadership Role of the Program Director
Critical reflection stimulates self-discovery in personal and professional life; it gives depth of understanding to complex or difficult situations and forces a more ‘holistic’ view ( Mezirow, 1998 ; Roberts, 2008 ). It involves achieving an awareness of the situation, evaluating the situation and making changes to action if necessary.
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Towards an Anti-Racist, Culturally Responsive, and LGBTQ+ Inclusive Education: Developing Critically-Conscious Educational Leaders
The process of thinking that uncovers hegemonic assumptions and calls into question the power dynamics through interrogating how one’s intersectional identity/positionality shapes interactions and events.
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“The Illness that Dare Not Speak Its Name”: An Auto-Ethnographic Approach to Understanding Adult Learning in and on Clinical Depression
The intentional attempt to uncover assumptions that guide actions by viewing one’s practice through the lenses of autobiographical experience, students’ eyes, colleagues’ perceptions and theory.
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They Who Learn Teach: Self-Directed Activities for Early-Childhood Educators to Deepen Their Cultural Competence
Analyzing and evaluating one's thoughts, actions, experiences, or beliefs thoughtfully and systematically. It requires individuals to delve into the underlying assumptions, values, and perspectives that shape their thinking and behavior.
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Utilizing Feminist Pedagogy to Foster Preservice Teachers' Critical Consciousness
The first component of praxis that requires people to examine how their identity characteristics shape their lived experiences because of societal norms and social systems.
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Achieving Praxis for TESOL Educators: A Reflective Self-Checklist to Support Culturally Sustaining Practices
A process of considering and interrogating one's beliefs, feelings, experiences, and actions, their impact, and enacting conceptual or practical change.
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Cultivation of Leadership in Higher Education Students
Although there is a lack of consensus on the meaning, it is used in the present chapter to refer to the process of becoming aware of and critically considering beliefs and values.
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Fostering Active Learning via Critical Pedagogies: Applying Reflective Research
Questioning assumptions, values, biases examining power relations and thinking beyond the dominant ideas.
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