The Branding of Political Leaders: Hamid Karzai as a Political Brand and His Matrix of Brand Awareness and Positive Image

The Branding of Political Leaders: Hamid Karzai as a Political Brand and His Matrix of Brand Awareness and Positive Image

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9586-2.ch010
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This chapter explores the success secrets of political figures, described by the matrix of brand awareness and a positive image. The leaders became famous in the political scene, geniuses, or felt the time and changed themselves according to the time. Can we explore their secrets of success? According to the hypothesis of the research, all is learnable, and the answer is, yes, we can. According to the theory of the matrix of brand awareness and a positive image, we can guess what should be done to become stronger politicians and when to start new performance in the market of politics.
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“Two fundamentally important questions marketers face are: What do different brands mean to consumers? And how does the brand knowledge of consumers affect their response to marketing activity? The basic premise of the CBBE model is that the power of a brand lies in what customers have learned, felt, seen, and heard about the brand, as a result of their experiences over time. In other words, the power of a brand lies in what resides in the minds of customers” (Keller, 2011).

From the view of the Customer-Based Brand Equity model, it is seen that brand knowledge is the key to creating brand equity; hence brand knowledge establishes the difference between products, services, ideas, persons. Brand Knowledge is standing on two main components: Brand Awareness and Brand Image. Brand awareness is “related to the strength of the brand node or trace in memory, which we can measure as the consumer’s ability to identify the brand under different conditions” (Rossiter and Percy, 1987).

Brand awareness of customers to political brands and their image, in relation to the time they spent in politics, is represented by the Matrix of Brand Awareness and Positive Image MBAPI (Djakeli, 2012).

Figure 1.

Matrix of brand awareness and positive image (Djakeli, 2012)


Concept Of Brand Awareness And The Matrix Of Brand Awareness And A Positive Image (Mbapi)

The concept of Brand awareness is measuring consumers’ knowledge of a brand’s existence. Brand awareness is crucial to differentiating your product from other similar products and competitors. Brand awareness includes both brand recognition as well as brand recall. Brand recognition is the ability of the consumer to recognize prior knowledge of the brand when they are asked questions about that brand or when they are shown that specific brand, i.e., the consumers can differentiate the brand as having been earlier noticed or heard. While the brand recall is the potential of the customer to recover a brand from his memory when given the product class/category, needs satisfied by that category or buying scenario as a signal. We may ask ourselves, is brand awareness all that important? The answer is: There are few things more worthwhile than investing time in your brand’s awareness. It can play a major role in purchasing decisions. The reality is, the more aware consumers are of your product and your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you (Gustafson, et al, 2007).

The important point about an image’ (whether a company, brand, or anything else) is that it is the result of processing information (Percy, L. 2008). Having cleared that image itself is the result of good and positive awareness; we use awareness as a ground on what success should be built. We found it important to distinguish the following types of awareness and a positive image:

- Little awareness or no awareness to political figures.

Key Terms in this Chapter

BRAND: Is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.

Politician: A person active in party politics, or a person holding or seeking an elected seat in government. Politicians propose, support, reject, and create laws that govern the land and, by extension, its people. Broadly speaking, a “politician” can be anyone who seeks to achieve political power in the government.

Political Leadership: A concept central to understanding political processes and outcomes, yet its definition is elusive. Many disciplines have contributed to the study of leadership, including political theory, history, psychology and management studies. Political Leadership reviews the contributions of these disciplines along with a discussion of the work of classic authors such as Niccolo Machiavelli, Max Weber and Robert Michels.

Political Marketing: A promotion process of political communication, where political candidates shares the ideas and promote themselves for voters. Political marketing is a strategic, technical, and crafted version of political communication in order to gain the public support.

Branding Strategy: The long-term plan to achieve a series of long-term goals that ultimately result in the identification and preference of your brand by consumers. A successful branding strategy encompasses the brand's mission, its promises to its customers, and how these are communicated.

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