Large Scale “Flipped Classroom” Course Transformation

Large Scale “Flipped Classroom” Course Transformation

John Kerrigan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9904-7.ch001
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Higher education mathematics courses have a long-standing history of teaching using the lecture method. In response to students' struggles with this type of instruction, the researchers redesigned a large undergraduate mathematics course to include the flipped classroom method of instruction to improve students' learning outcomes. This chapter discusses the theoretical framework, design, and implementation of large-scale flipped classrooms. Quantitative findings from two implementations of this course are presented to justify design decisions and areas for future growth. Additional design considerations are discussed at the end of the chapter to give practitioners guidance on what to include in a flipped classroom design.
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Many college graduates can recall their early experiences sitting in college math classes; typically, these are lectures held in large lecture halls twice a week, with smaller recitation groups offered once a week. Due to the sheer size of the lecture hall, direct instruction is often used as the primary mode of instruction as it is economical and practical. However, recent studies affirm that hands-on, active learning methodologies significantly enhance STEM students' comprehension (Algarni, 2018; Bredow et al., 2021; Freeman et al., 2014). Active learning transcends traditional teaching methods by engaging students in interactive classroom activities rather than solely relying on passive instruction, fostering collaborative learning environments and critical thinking skills (Prince, 2020; Michaelsen et al., 2020). Active learning methodologies encompass a spectrum of approaches, including problem-based learning, peer instruction, and flipped classrooms, effectively enhancing student engagement and knowledge retention (Eddy & Hogan, 2020; Michaelsen et al., 2020; Prince, 2004). In their landmark meta-analysis of 225 studies, Freeman et al. (2014) determined that active learning approaches in undergraduate STEM courses increase students’ exam performance by at least half a letter grade. In addition, courses taught using active learning typically had a 45% lower failure rate than lecture-based equivalents (Freeman et al., 2014). Theobald et al. (2020) later followed up on this work and determined that the use of active learning strategies in higher education reduced achievement gaps in exam-based courses by 33% and narrowed passing rates by 45%

Given the evidence for the efficacy of active learning-based approaches, it should be no surprise that instructors often look to incorporate these elements into their courses. Effectively managing large classes while fostering active student engagement requires strategic adjustments in the timing and content of lectures. Repurposing the traditional lecture format and restructuring class activities are effective initial strategies. This concept of inverting, or flipping what happens where, is not novel: instructors have long encouraged students to review textbook chapters, journal articles, or PowerPoints before attending college classes. As technology advanced in the 2000s, flipped classroom layouts included videos as part of the pre-class work. In both scenarios, ensuring students completed the pre-class work while designing meaningful experiences for in-person sessions has always been challenging for educators (Bergman & Sams, 2012). The need to investigate coherence between live and online elements emerged as online components entered the flipped classroom picture.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Active Learning: Any instructional strategy that engages students in participating in their learning.

Design-Based Research: A branch of learning science that investigates the complexities of instructional design and its corresponding student learning outcomes.

Mediating Processes: The classroom practices that bring students from the design embodiment to learning outcomes.

Playposit: A web-based program that enables instructors to upload videos, embed questions, and track students’ progress.

Precalculus: A course that follows Algebra 2 but precedes Calculus and is devoted to the study of functions.

Flipped Classroom: An instructional design where direct instruction is completed outside of the classroom, typically through videos, and problem-solving activities take place inside the classroom.

Conjecture Map: A outline of what students will be able to learn in a designed environment based on a hypothesis, design embodiment, and mediating processes.

Learning Assistant: An undergraduate student who has an interest in working with an instructor in the classroom and has taken a pedagogy course to be able to facilitate groupwork and provide scaffolding.

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