Utilizing Technology to Manage Territories

Utilizing Technology to Manage Territories

Pages: 480
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6854-1
ISBN13: 9798369368541|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369368558|EISBN13: 9798369368565
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Description & Coverage

The quest for attractiveness and sustainability is a pressing concern for territories in the 21st century. Cities, regions, and local communities must rethink their management and development strategies to address complex environmental, social, and economic challenges. "Territorial Smart Management" has emerged as an innovative approach that leverages technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain to create more efficient, attractive, and sustainable territories. Understanding how these technologies can transform territorial management, optimize resources, and foster collaboration to tackle contemporary challenges like urbanization, climate change, and competitiveness is essential for modern planning.

Utilizing Technology to Manage Territories provides practical tools, case studies, and best practices for applying smart management solutions to improve operational efficiency and socio-economic inclusion. This volume offers valuable insights for those seeking to navigate the future of smart and sustainable territorial management, making it an essential resource for researchers, policymakers, consultants, technology developers, and students.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Customer Engagement
  • Datafication Approach
  • Digital Marketing
  • Economic Intelligence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Neural Networks
  • Port Territories
  • Promotion of Customer Engagement
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Smart Cities
  • Sustainable Development
  • Territorial Marketing
  • Traffic Management
  • Urban Mobility
  • Vocational Education
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Editor/Author Biographies
Lhoussaine Alla , Professor in Management Sciences at the National School of Applied Sciences, researcher at the LAREMEF Laboratory, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco. He is a permanent teacher of various marketing management modules at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez (Morocco) and in several public and private business graduate schools. He is an accredited professional expert in training engineering, professional coaching and mentoring junior entrepreneurs. After a PhD thesis on creating value for the customer and its impact on the overall performance of companies, Pr Lhoussaine ALLA invested more in scientific research in marketing, through various scientific contributions in the form of participation in international symposiums and workshops and scientific publications, for various themes inherent to e-marketing, customer experience, commercial performance, Big Data Analytics Marketing, territorial marketing, territorial economic intelligence, etc. Pr Lhoussaine ALLA is also (co)editor of the e-book “Integrating Intelligence and Sustainability in Supply Chains. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0225-5” and Dirceteur de publication of the scientific journal “Alternatives Managériales et Economiques - AME”, indexed on the IMIST portal, . Pr Lhoussaine ALLA is also (co)coordinator of many scientific events devoted to marketing research. As much scientific and educational accumulation that the publisher aims to mobilize as potential to bring together imminent researchers and experts to share the fruits of their relevant and innovative research work in implementation, supervision, evaluation, control and reinvention of innovative solutions developed via Data Engineering and AI in Marketing.
Bouchra Alj , Accredited Associate Professor in Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Mohammedia, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.

Prof. Dr. Badr BENTALHA teaches Supply Chain and Operations Management at National School Of Business and Management – Fez, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University – Morocco. Dr. Bentalha investigates the structural dynamics and control of complex networks, applying his findings to supply chain management, Industry 4.0, risk analysis, and digital supply chains. His pioneering research has established seminal academic and practical approaches for sustainable and intelligent supply chain optimization. Using optimization, simulation, control theory, and AI, he tackles real-world supply chain and operations challenges. His work emphasizes the intersection of supply chain management, operations research, industrial engineering, and digital technology.

As a professor, he teaches undergraduate, graduate, and, doctoral courses in operations management, supply chain management, logistics, management information systems, and strategic management. Through guest lectures, webinars, and scholarly presentations, he engages students and fosters an active learning environment. He aims to equip future industry leaders with the management knowledge and technological skills to build more resilient, adaptable, and sustainable supply chain operations. Dr. Bentalha's academic background includes management and economics, operations research, and supply chain management. He studied management operations and supply chain management, graduating with honors. He earned PhD degrees and completed an aggregation in economics and management. Before entering academia, he primarily worked in industry and consulting, focusing on process optimization in manufacturing, logistics, and ERP systems. His practical experience includes numerous operations research and process optimization projects for operations design, logistics, scheduling, and supply chain management. Before joining the Fez National School of Business and Management, he was a professor of economics and management preparatory classes since 2009.

Dr. Bentalha's influential research is cited in supply chain management and logistics. His publication record includes over 60 papers in prestigious academic journals such as the International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, International Journal of Business Performance Management, International Journal of Business and Technology Studies, Journal of Environmental Issues and Climate Change, and Economical Managerial Alternatives. He is also the author of three books : Netnography: Principles, Method, and Ethics, Internal Audit of Treasury and Cash Management: Report on the Audit of Treasury and Integrating Intelligence and Sustainability in Supply Chains.

Professor Bentalha specializes in supply chain and operations management, operations research, and service management. He is passionate about integrating knowledge across disciplines to solve real-world problems. He has delivered numerous invited plenary talks, keynotes, and panel discussions at conferences and global webinars. He serves as Associate Editor of the Economical Managerial Alternatives journal and is on the editorial boards and advisory committees of several other publications. He regularly presents his research and has chaired organized program committees, and served on advisory boards for over 60 international conferences in supply chain management, operations, management studies, control theory, and information science. He is a member of numerous scientific committees of international journals and conferences. Since 2009, Mr. Bentalha has helped sundry companies implement an audit system, resolve issues, and improve performance.

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