Economics and Environmental Responsibility in the Global Beverage Industry

Economics and Environmental Responsibility in the Global Beverage Industry

Release Date: May, 2024|Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 439
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2149-2
ISBN13: 9798369321492|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369345863|EISBN13: 9798369321508
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Description & Coverage

As the world grapples with the pressing issue of natural resource depletion, the global beverage industry finds itself at a crossroads, thrust into the spotlight as a significant contributor to environmental challenges. The dire consequences of climate change and resource exhaustion necessitate a fundamental shift in the industry's practices. The alarming increase in plastic waste, water consumption, and carbon emissions associated with beverage production and distribution has prompted a profound reassessment of its impact on the planet. In this context of environmental urgency, Economics and Environmental Responsibility in the Global Beverage Industry dissects the challenges faced by the industry and offers viable solutions to steer it toward a more sustainable and responsible future.

At its core, this book addresses the greatest challenges of the industry, navigating through the intersections of economic imperatives and environmental responsibility within the global beverage sector. Its primary objective is to provide an understanding of the issues confronting the industry, fueling critical study, reflection, and critique. By delving into the triple dimensions of economic, social, and environmental sustainability, the book aims to empower academics and industry practitioners alike with the knowledge needed to effect transformative change. Beyond being an academic exercise, it stands as a rallying call for a collective commitment to reshape the industry's trajectory.

Designed for a diverse readership, encompassing academicians, students, policymakers, and quality/environment managers, the book transcends disciplinary boundaries. It serves as a guide for undergraduate and master's business students seeking to grapple with the real-world implications of sustainability in the beverage industry. As a comprehensive resource, it explores an array of topics, from sustainability and food tourism to beverage economics, marketing, consumer behavior, circular economy, green innovation, reverse logistics, and green supply-chain management. Economics and Environmental Responsibility in the Global Beverage Industry positions itself as a critical guide for those seeking to navigate the depths of the industry's environmental challenges and chart a course toward a more sustainable future.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Beverage Business
  • Beverage Economics
  • Beverage Marketing
  • Branding and Promotional Strategies
  • Circular Economy
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Efficient Product Return and Recycling Processes
  • Food Tourism
  • Green Innovation
  • Green Supply-Chain Management
  • Reverse Logistics
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable Resource Use and Waste Reduction
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Editor/Author Biographies
Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu is Full-Professor Habil. at University of Bucharest, PhD. Supervisor and Doctoral School Member at The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. She collaborates with University of Craiova and is scientific researcher at The National Institute of Research and Development for Environmental Protection and the National Institute for Research and Development Comoti Turbomotors. She is Public Policy Expert at Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization. She is Member of Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR), as Financial Auditor, and Member of Authority for the Public Oversight of the Statutory Audit Activity (ASPAAS), as Financial auditor. She is review board member: IBIMA Conferences and Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices, IBIMA Publishing, USA; IGI Global – Publishing House; International Journal of Health Economics (IJHE), University of Bucharest; Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) (Basel, Switzerland) for Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Mathematics, Sustainability, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, Symmetry, Administrative Sciences, World, Informatics.
Javier Martínez Falcó is Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at the University of Alicante. In the research field, he focuses his interest on issues related to the Strategic Management of the Company, specifically in the areas of Knowledge Management and Corporate Sustainability of wine companies, on which he has written several publications in the form of articles, book chapters and contributions to conferences. He has also participated in several national research projects and teaches Strategic Management in business degrees.
Bartolomé Marco-Lajara (PhD) is Professor at the University of Alicante. His research interests are strategic management and tourism management. He is the author of several books, book chapters and international articles related to the areas above mentioned. He is a member of the Tourism Research Institute at the University of Alicante since its foundation and the main researcher of the European project ‘Next Tourism Generation Alliance’ at his University, as well as of the public competitive project for the creation of the Tourist Observatory of the Valencian Community (Spain). He has taken part in others public and private projects, such as the development of the strategic plan of the Alicante province for the period 2010-2020. He is the Head of the Department of Management at the University of Alicante, and previously was the Assistant Dean of the Economics Faculty for the Business Degree.
Eduardo Sánchez García works as Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) in the Department of Business Organisation at the University of Alicante, as an Assistant (LOU). He holds a PhD with international mention in the area of Business, Economics and Society. His research is in the field of strategic business management, specifically in the analysis of industrial agglomeration in territorial clusters, and its effect on the social capital, absorptive capacity and innovative performance of companies. In addition, he has carried out several works in collaboration with other researchers specialised in the study of industrial districts and entrepreneurial capabilities. He is a member of the research group “Strategic Management, Knowledge and Innovation in a Global Economy (DECI-GLOBAL)”. He has published several articles in indexed journals, as well as several book chapters, and has made numerous presentations at national and international scientific conferences. In relation to teaching, he teaches the subject of Strategic Management of the Company in the Degree in Business Administration and Management, and the double degrees in TADE, DADE and I2ADE.
Luis Antonio Millán Tudela is Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at University of Alicante. MBA and Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, his research focuses on business longevity, and more specifically on the factors that influence the survival of companies. This activity is developed within the research group “Dirección Estratégica, conocimiento e innovación en una economía global (DECI-GLOBAL)”. He also teaches strategic management in the Degree of Business Administration.
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