Bishal Patangia

Bishal Patangia is currently a Research Associate in Social Behavioural Sciences and Training Manager/Consulting Learning and Development Specialist at KNOLSKAPE Solutions Pvt Ltd and TimesPro, Corporate Traning Alliance, which is a division of Bennet Coleman Co Ltd. He received his MSc in Psychology, specializing in Human Resource Development and Management from the Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), India. He completed his Bachelor's in a triple major course - Psychology, Sociology, and English Literature. As an aspiring scientific researcher, he has been working on various research projects emphasizing social epidemiology, social psychology, women at workplace and occupational safety in collaboration with different national and international universities.


Indian Psychology: Challenges, Strategies, and Prospects in Education
Anuradha Sathiyaseelan, Sathiyaseelan Balasundaram, Bishal Patangia, R. R. Soumya. © 2024. 16 pages.
Knowledge dissemination has been a hallmark of Indian tradition for millennia, particularly in the area of human biology and behavior. Westernization and globalization, however...
Vedic Perspective of Wellness and Wellbeing
Anuradha Sathiyaseelan, Sathiyaseelan Balasundaram, Bishal Patangia. © 2024. 18 pages.
In the absence of a comprehensive understanding of Vedic philosophy regarding health and well-being, this chapter advocates a global integration of these principles. Personalized...
Designing and Piloting a Digital Mental Health Intervention Rooted in the Principles of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence for Corporate Employees
Noel Singh Dias, Bishal Patangia. © 2024. 19 pages.
This study examined the impact of a one-month online-based mindfulness meditation intervention focusing on the emotional intelligence (EI) of 100 corporate workers in India....
Role of Mindfulness-Meditation Practices in Cognitive Functions at the Workplace: A Neuroscientific Perspective
Bishal Patangia, Sampreeti Sarkar, Janis Maria Antony. © 2024. 30 pages.
Practices of mindfulness and meditation have drawn a lot of attention recently, both inside and outside of traditional Eastern cultural contexts. An extensive investigation of...
Application of Neuroscience Methods in HRDM for Brain-Based Human Capital Optimization
Bishal Patangia, Rithani J. M., Thaddeus Alfonso. © 2024. 35 pages.
For years, human resource development and management (HRDM) has used behavioral assessments to gauge employee potential. However, advancements in cognitive behavioral...
Effect of Menstrual Distress on Interpersonal Relationships, School Absenteeism, Work Productivity, and Academic Performance
Anuradha Sathiyaseelan, Bishal Patangia, Soumonetra Chaudhury, Dattavi Jariwala. © 2023. 26 pages.
Women's health has always been one of the major research areas to identify health patterns to understand the challenges women face and to provide essential support. As time...