Vedic Perspective of Wellness and Wellbeing

Vedic Perspective of Wellness and Wellbeing

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2651-0.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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In the absence of a comprehensive understanding of Vedic philosophy regarding health and well-being, this chapter advocates a global integration of these principles. Personalized healthcare in Ayurveda, yoga and meditation's transformative effects, and spiritual practice's significance are highlighted as key elements of the chapter. Readers are encouraged to embrace Vedic wisdom as part of their daily lives as a means of achieving a balanced and fulfilled existence. As a result, the chapter goes on to argue that integrating Vedic perspectives can be instrumental in addressing global health challenges in a way that emphasizes their relevance across cultures and time periods.
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सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद् दुःख भाग् भवेत्॥


“Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah,

Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, Ma kaschid dukha bhag bhavet.”



“May all be happy, may all be free from illness, may all see auspiciousness, may no one suffer” - Yajurveda

The quote originating from the Yajurveda evokes a profound resonance within the halls of Vedic philosophy, encapsulating its very essence — the pursuit of wellness as a universal aspiration that surpasses mere physical health. Within this ancient body of knowledge, the Vedic tradition weaves a complex arras of comprehension that extends far beyond the confines of conventional well-being. It presents a comprehensive paradigm that acknowledges the intricate interplay between the physical body, the mind, and the spirit, offering timeless wisdom on how to attain a harmonious state of being. Founded upon a fundamental principle of interconnectedness, this perspective perceives wellness not solely as the absence of illness, but as a dynamic condition in which individuals experience profound vitality, tranquility, and a sense of fulfillment across all facets of their lives (Hosseini, 2023).

The origins of this comprehensive approach can be traced back to traditional customs like Yagya, which symbolizes the understanding in the Vedic tradition that material prosperity alone is insufficient for achieving true contentment (Kumar et al., 2019). Instead, the Vedic philosophy highlights the importance of a harmonious alignment of the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions, thereby paving the way for a life filled with genuine satisfaction and joy. The Vedic framework demonstrates a clear correlation between spirituality and science, as exemplified by profound teachings such as Ayurveda and yoga, which serve as guiding principles illuminating the path to holistic well-being (Pisani-Conway, 2021). These ancient practices, deeply ingrained in the Vedic heritage, offer comprehensive approaches to promoting physical well-being, nurturing mental balance, and fostering spiritual development.

Within the sacred texts, notably the Vedas, resides a treasury of philosophical insights. These ancient scriptures explicate the essence of consciousness and ingenuity, unveiling a unifying perspective that constitutes the fundamental tenet of Vedic ideology (Raina, 2015). This holistic perception of reality as an integrated entity, profoundly interwoven with consciousness, serves as the foundation of the Vedic vision for comprehensive excellence and well-being. Moreover, the amalgamation of Vedic principles with contemporary scientific paradigms, such as quantum entanglement and consciousness studies, enhances the discourse on well-being (Boyer, 2013; Boyer, 2017).

The Vedic perspective on health and welfare unveils an intricate and varied structure - a synthesis of spiritual, philosophical, and pragmatic elements. This all-encompassing methodology not only encompasses age-old customs, but also deeply resonates in contemporary endeavors, echoing the eternal and all-encompassing nature of Vedic principles in fostering a comprehensive and satisfying existence.


Importance Of Holistic Health In Vedic Philosophy

At the heart of Vedic philosophy lies a deep respect for comprehensive well-being, highlighting the inseparable link between the body, mind, and spirit in the pursuit of overall wellness. Rooted in ancient Indian wisdom, this philosophy, as expounded in Ayurveda, serves as a guiding principle for perceiving health as a harmonious fusion of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being (Singh et al., 2016). Within the expansive realms of Ayurveda, health is not simply the absence of disease but rather a state of dynamic balance, encompassing a symphony of elements working in unison. The holistic essence of Vedic philosophy extends beyond the boundaries of physicality, recognizing the intricate interplay between mental and spiritual well-being. Vedic literature vividly illustrates the holistic nature of health, emphasizing the delicate equilibrium of elemental forces within the human character as a fundamental determinant of overall well-being (Ventegodt et al., 2007). This interconnectedness resonates in the integration of spiritual values and practices, highlighting their pivotal role in promoting not only physical vitality but also executive health (Reave, 2005).

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