The Revolution of Education Accelerated as a Consequence of the Pandemic

The Revolution of Education Accelerated as a Consequence of the Pandemic

Alejandra Cantú Corona, Dulce María López Sotomayor, Irma Elisa Erana-Rojas
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8783-6.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Medical education has changed dramatically since its inception, from informal medical education without defined objectives or techniques to a formal medical education regulated by the government and academic groups. Now, a structured curriculum with well-defined goals and objectives, appropriate educational strategies, and the incorporation of digital tools will efficiently contribute to future health professionals facing their challenges in their practice. Surely the technological advancement that occurred due to the pandemic is here to stay. Although there are still challenges to be solved, the first steps are for them to be acknowledged and documented. This chapter's objective is to show how to structure an online theoretical course and its curriculum and discuss the implementation of hybrid models of education and virtual simulation in health programs.
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The education received during medical training in the past was very different from the one we know these days. There have been changes in teaching delivery, instructional technology, professionalism of teachers, student’s role in the teaching-learning process, and curriculum content and length (Timperly H et al., 2007). Furthermore, historical and practical reasons determined the training length. Formal medical education began during the Middle Age in Northern Italy (Custers, 2018), and guilds guided the learners. Initially, there were two types of medical practitioners: academic doctors and practically trained surgeons. The former were trained exclusively theoretically and on a few skills for drug preparation. Generally, the learner’s competency was assumed after completing a specific number of interventions during a flexible time range, rather than assessed.

Until the 19th century, people became concerned about the lack of performance requirements and learning objectives around medical education (ten Cate, 2014). As a result, the structure of a degree in medicine started being constructed. While shallow initially, physicians’ competence and performance levels started to be a concern for the government. Therefore they established the approval of a practical examination to grant a license to practice medicine (Custers, 2018).

The Flexner Report in 1910 became a landmark for undergraduate medical education as it promoted a science-based form of academic education (Stahnisch and Verhoef, 2012). On postgraduate education, Osler established a structured postgraduate residency with a pyramidal structure: many students, few residents, and one chief resident (Custers, 2018). Nevertheless, until the 80s, when the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) was established, the length and content of the different programs in postgraduate education in the U.S were regulated.

In addition, the World Federation for Medical Education, a non-governmental association established in 1972, sought to promote high-quality education. It publishes best practice global standards for quality improvement in undergraduate medical education, endorsed by recognized associations and organizations worldwide (WFME, 2020). Medical regulation, using these standards, provide the educational institutions with a framework for accreditation, self-analysis, and feedback for program improvement. In addition, it constitutes evidence for all stakeholders, students, faculty, community, government, health service providers, and foreign institutions that standards of competence are being met (Karle, 2006).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Educational Strategy: The type of learning technique used by teachers to achieve the set goals and objectives.

COVID-19 Pandemic: A worldwide common disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

Virtual Simulation: Learning technique in which a student, through a screen and 3D objects, can practice skills and knowledge in an artificial environment to reproduce real health care situations.

Medical Curriculum: Group of academic and non-academic objectives that will be achieved by medical students and with them become health care professionals.

Online Education: Form of learning in which the student does not have face-to-face interaction with the teacher nor the classmates.

Hybrid Educational Model: A teaching program that combines face-to-face and online techniques to meet their objectives.

On-Site Learning: Form of education in which the student must attend classrooms, laboratories, clinics, or hospitals to carry out activities related to the academic program.

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