Sociopreneurship: Program of Literation Technology and Academic Assistance to MSMEs in Increasing the Sales Market in Industry Era 5.0

Sociopreneurship: Program of Literation Technology and Academic Assistance to MSMEs in Increasing the Sales Market in Industry Era 5.0

Dwiza Riana, Arif Hidayat, Lia -. Mazia, Fachri Helmanto, Nurajijah Nurajijah
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8505-4.ch013
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This chapter introduces social entrepreneurship plans aimed at establishing an entrepreneurial ecosystem in academia. The program makes use of the university's literacy technology and academic assistance. This program is designed for lecturers and higher education students to help MSMEs. Ecological entrepreneurship can be formed through design activities. Through appropriate teaching design and activity duration, activity mechanism, and recognition of students' academic performance and course conversion, the plan has achieved high success on the basis of implementation, and the results can be seen from the output of the output form. The plan also implemented a quality assurance system aimed at achieving student standard achievement (SSA). In addition, supporting organizations outside academia also ensure that the social entrepreneurship technology literacy program for small, medium, and micro enterprises can truly establish an entrepreneurial ecosystem in academia.
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Entrepreneurs play an important role in the economic development of a nation. The existence of entrepre-neurs is able to determine the progress of a country. The economy continues to increase along with the in-creasing number of entrepreneurs in a country.

In Indonesia, the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises revealed that the number of entrepreneurs had increased from the previous 1.67% to 3.10% of the total population of Indo-nesia's occupation of 225 million people. McClelland argues that a country can prosper if the number of entrepreneurs is at least 2% of the population (Mahesa and Rahardja, 2012). However, this number is still far less than neighboring countries, namely Malaysia, which accounts for 6% of the total population, Singapore 7%, and Thailand 5%.

The government, with the help of all parties, must continue to struggle to match the number of entre-preneurs in neighboring countries by creating new young entrepreneurs (Wicaksono, 2017). The addition of entrepreneurs can be done in many ways, such as educating hybrid entrepreneurs (Bögenhold, 2019) and increase entrepreneurship as an independent professional (Bögenhold et al., 2014). Moreover, it can provide an opportunity to increase the number of entrepreneurs of all genders (Afshan et al., 2021; Bögenhold and Klinglmair, 2015). As an alternative way, the government push by applying a new entrepreneurial policy.

Currently the entrepreneurial policy continues to be developed and reaches out to academia. As in France, entrepreneurship policy focuses on students or learners. This is intended not only to encourage the creation of new innovative companies but also to spread an entrepreneurial culture (Matt and Schaeffer, 2018).

Academic institutions in Pakistan play their role in guiding young people to engage and succeed in entrepreneurship. Examples are Lahore University of Management Sciences, AMAN Center for Entre-preneurial Development, National Incubation Center established by the University of Information Techno-logy, and the University of Haripur – Business Incubation Center (Tunio, 2020). There is also the United Arab Emirates which has a long-term vision to become the most innovation-oriented country in the world (Chaudhry et al., 2021).

Regarding entrepreneurship policies in Indonesia, currently it is adjusted to the characteristics of its population. The number of unemployed people in Indonesia was monitored until August 2020 as many as 7.07 million people (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021). The Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) released its preliminary notes for the year, which projected unemployment and poverty rates to increase in 2021. Senior Economist at INDEF said that the open unemployment rate is expected to nearly double by 7.8 percent or as much as 10.4 million people (Prakoso, 2021). Apart from being influenced by the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, this is also caused by low interest and motivation to become entrepreneurs and prefer to find work.

A solution to increase interest and motivation to become entrepreneurs is to create an ecosystem in academia. A good ecosystem management will increase yields that are very beneficial for individuals in the ecosystem (Hisrich et al., 2020). Academia plays an important role in the innovation ecosystem (Ma, and Chen, 2020) to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in the younger generation and produce graduates who have the potential to become successful entrepreneurs and contribute to advancing the economy. Universities need to synergize with industry and government in contributing to society to build a knowledge-based eco-nomy (Galvao et al., 2019).

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