Women in IT in the New Social Era

Women in IT in the New Social Era

Sonja Bernhardt (ThoughtWare, Australia)
Release Date: August, 2015|Copyright: © 2016 |Runtime: 2 hrs 47 mins
EISBN13: 9781466695955|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9595-5
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Females have been historically underrepresented in the STEM fields. In order to attract, promote, and retain more women in technology studies and careers, we must think more critically about the current state of society as well as our connected world.

The video lecture, Women in IT in the New Social Era explores the social, cultural, and structural constructs which impact the presence of women in IT studies and careers and offers solutions on how to increase the rates at which women are entering into and staying in IT fields. Focusing on key research in the area of gender and IT, this video lecture is an excellent educational resource for sociologists, school administrators, IT specialists, students, and researchers.

Topics Covered

  • Career Development
  • Cultural Norms
  • Gender Studies
  • Historical Contexts
  • Intervention Programs
  • Social Media
  • Social Theory

Table of Contents

Introduction and Biography
5:02 mins
Lesson 1:Summary and Introduction
9:45 mins
Section 1:What's the Problem?
Lesson 2:Women in IT Background
17:22 mins
Lesson 3:A New Model for a New Era
9:54 mins
Lesson 4:Traditional Interventions
12:39 mins
Section 2:What is the Proposed Solution?
Lesson 5:Popular Theories
18:22 mins
Lesson 6:Cultural, Social & Structural Contexts
21:38 mins
Lesson 7:Individual Contexts
14:06 mins
Lesson 8:#SocialIT
14 mins
Lesson 9:Differences
12:47 mins
Section 3:New Social Era Recommendations
Lesson 10:Primary Recommendations
6:56 mins
Lesson 11:Tectonic Shift Plus Curious, Creative, and Clever
10:34 mins
Lesson 12:Hackfests, Code Camps Plus Crowdsourcing and Funding
8:06 mins
Lesson 13:Social Media and Join the Conversation Plus Hangouts and Collaborate
6:01 mins