More Than a Thousand Words!: Emoji Engagement on Turkish Airline Instagram Pages

Bahri Baran Koçak (Dicle University, Turkey)
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 267
EISBN13: 9781668471807|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4523-5.ch013
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Consumer engagement (CE) has become one of the marketing problems that many airlines strive to solve. In this sense, emojis implemented to increase CE on social media have gained a stronger popularity as a form of communication among brands. This chapter will provide readers with a deeper understanding of how emoji usage and emoji types affect CE using the highly standardized Unicode classification based on emoji semiotics. Therefore, the author concludes with a case study that investigates the relationship between emoji usage and CE in the official Instagram pages of Turkish airline companies. Also, the author discusses the state of the art in semiotics and concludes by suggesting that the use of emojis by brands may change activism on social media through consumer behavior.
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