Composition Goes Online: How a Small Pacific Island is Blogging into the Future

Michelle Bednarzyk (University of Guam, Guam) and Merissa Brown (University of Guam, Guam)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 282
EISBN13: 9781616921439|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-880-2.ch014
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In the spring of 2007, English faculty members at the University of Guam began researching the need for online education options that could be offered by the University. With the support of other English faculty, Merissa Brown proposed, created, and implemented the first fully online composition class and taught it in the spring semester of 2008. Michelle Bednarzyk took over the class in the fall of 2008. This case will provide a history of the course’s development, insights from both instructors about the process of teaching this way within the diverse population that makes up the University’s student body, and offer suggestions they have for future successes based on challenges they faced. Finally, this document will argue that students at the University are ready for more technology in their classroom environments and should expect the University to accommodate their requests in an effort to successfully prepare them for their careers.
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