Mining Education Australia: Adapting technology to support a collaborative approach to transnational teaching for mining professionals

Trish Andrews (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 113
EISBN13: 9781609602604|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-909-5.ch005
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Due to a range of social and economic factors, Australian institutions have struggled to meet the demand for highly trained professionals for the minerals industry in recent years. In order to address this issue, Mining Education Australia, a consortia of four of Australia’s mining schools was established to develop and deliver a common curriculum for mining engineering education.. The use of technology to support the delivery of this common curriculum is integral to the success of this initiative. This chapter outlines the challenges in such collaborations and discusses the range of corporate and open source technologies selected and adopted to overcome these challenges to enable collaborative teaching and learning activities in this trans-national program.
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