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Published: Jan 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019010101
Volume 11
Linda Plotnick, S. Roxanne Hiltz, Murray Turoff, Julie Dugdale
Information systems (IS) in emergency management (EM) support situational awareness and agility during a disaster so that professionals do not only need to follow rigid pre-defined plans that might... Show More
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Plotnick, Linda, et al. "Proposed Curriculum Guidelines for Masters Programs in EM With an IS Focus." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.1 2019: pp.1-19.


Plotnick, L., Hiltz, S. R., Turoff, M., & Dugdale, J. (2019). Proposed Curriculum Guidelines for Masters Programs in EM With an IS Focus. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(1), 1-19.


Plotnick, Linda, et al. "Proposed Curriculum Guidelines for Masters Programs in EM With an IS Focus," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.1: 1-19.

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Published: Jan 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019010102
Volume 11
Yan Wang, Heide K. Lukosch, Philipp Schwarz
Crisis response, including humanitarian operations, is a highly complex field and its effectiveness is challenged by the dynamic partnerships of organizations involved and critical field conditions.... Show More
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Wang, Yan, et al. "The Role of Serious Gaming in Assisting Humanitarian Operations." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.1 2019: pp.20-34.


Wang, Y., Lukosch, H. K., & Schwarz, P. (2019). The Role of Serious Gaming in Assisting Humanitarian Operations. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(1), 20-34.


Wang, Yan, Heide K. Lukosch, and Philipp Schwarz. "The Role of Serious Gaming in Assisting Humanitarian Operations," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.1: 20-34.

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Published: Jan 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019010103
Volume 11
Julius M Bañgate, Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck, Carole Adam
Human behaviour during crisis evacuations is social in nature. In particular, social attachment theory posits that proximity of familiar people, places, objects, etc., promotes calm and a feeling of... Show More
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Bañgate, Julius M., et al. "Review of Agent Based Modelling of Social Attachment in Crisis Situations." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.1 2019: pp.35-64.


Bañgate, J. M., Dugdale, J., Beck, E., & Adam, C. (2019). Review of Agent Based Modelling of Social Attachment in Crisis Situations. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(1), 35-64.


Bañgate, Julius M., et al. "Review of Agent Based Modelling of Social Attachment in Crisis Situations," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.1: 35-64.

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Published: Jan 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019010104
Volume 11
Stephen Gichuhi Kimotho, Carolyne Nyaboe Nyarang'o
Terrorism targeting corporate bodies remains one the greatest risks to the most critical intangible asset of any organization: reputation. Thus, effective crisis communication is critical during and... Show More
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Kimotho, Stephen Gichuhi, and Carolyne Nyaboe Nyarang'o. "Role of Social Media in Terrorism Crisis Communication: A Case of Westgate Mall Terror Attack in Nairobi." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.1 2019: pp.65-82.


Kimotho, S. G. & Nyarang'o, C. N. (2019). Role of Social Media in Terrorism Crisis Communication: A Case of Westgate Mall Terror Attack in Nairobi. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(1), 65-82.


Kimotho, Stephen Gichuhi, and Carolyne Nyaboe Nyarang'o. "Role of Social Media in Terrorism Crisis Communication: A Case of Westgate Mall Terror Attack in Nairobi," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.1: 65-82.

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Published: Jan 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019010105
Volume 11
Punya Prasad Sapkota, Kashif Siddiqi
One in every 70 people around the world is caught up in a crisis (natural disasters, conflict, climate change, etc.) and urgently needs humanitarian assistance and protection according to the OCHA.... Show More
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Sapkota, Punya Prasad, and Kashif Siddiqi. "Is Ubiquitous Technology for Needs Data Management a Game Changer in Humanitarian Arena?." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.1 2019: pp.83-97.


Sapkota, P. P. & Siddiqi, K. (2019). Is Ubiquitous Technology for Needs Data Management a Game Changer in Humanitarian Arena?. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(1), 83-97.


Sapkota, Punya Prasad, and Kashif Siddiqi. "Is Ubiquitous Technology for Needs Data Management a Game Changer in Humanitarian Arena?," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.1: 83-97.

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Volume 11
Guest Editorial Preface
For Volume 11, Issue 2
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Christopher W. Zobel, Kees Boersma, Amanda Hughes
Published: Jul 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019070101
Volume 11
Reza Mazloom, Hongmin Li, Doina Caragea, Cornelia Caragea, Muhammad Imran
Huge amounts of data generated on social media during emergency situations is regarded as a trove of critical information. The use of supervised machine learning techniques in the early stages of a... Show More
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Mazloom, Reza, et al. "A Hybrid Domain Adaptation Approach for Identifying Crisis-Relevant Tweets." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.2 2019: pp.1-19.


Mazloom, R., Li, H., Caragea, D., Caragea, C., & Imran, M. (2019). A Hybrid Domain Adaptation Approach for Identifying Crisis-Relevant Tweets. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(2), 1-19.


Mazloom, Reza, et al. "A Hybrid Domain Adaptation Approach for Identifying Crisis-Relevant Tweets," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.2: 1-19.

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Published: Jul 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019070102
Volume 11
Kathleen Moore, Hemant Purohit
Research on technology-assisted crisis management have been centered on tools to assist the response phase of a disaster. Through a semantic network analysis of concept relations in the titles of... Show More
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Moore, Kathleen, and Hemant Purohit. "Discovering Requirements for the Technology Design to Support Disaster Resilience Analytics." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.2 2019: pp.20-37.


Moore, K. & Purohit, H. (2019). Discovering Requirements for the Technology Design to Support Disaster Resilience Analytics. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(2), 20-37.


Moore, Kathleen, and Hemant Purohit. "Discovering Requirements for the Technology Design to Support Disaster Resilience Analytics," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.2: 20-37.

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Published: Jul 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019070103
Volume 11
Magdalena Granåsen, Mari Olsén, Per-Anders Oskarsson, Niklas Hallberg
To strengthen the capability of societies to manage severe events, it is vital to understand what constitutes crisis management capability and how this can be assessed. The objective of this article... Show More
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Granåsen, Magdalena, et al. "Assessing Interorganizational Crisis Management Capability: A Systematic Literature Review." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.2 2019: pp.38-56.


Granåsen, M., Olsén, M., Oskarsson, P., & Hallberg, N. (2019). Assessing Interorganizational Crisis Management Capability: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(2), 38-56.


Granåsen, Magdalena, et al. "Assessing Interorganizational Crisis Management Capability: A Systematic Literature Review," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.2: 38-56.

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Published: Jul 1, 2019
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2019070104
Volume 11
Magdalena M. Kraaij-Dirkzwager, Lianne G. C. Schol, Tjerk Jan Schuitmaker-Warnaar, Aura Timen, Jim E. Van Steenbergen
Infectious diseases remain a threat to public health, requiring the coordinated action of many stakeholders. Little has been written about stakeholder participation and approaches to sharing... Show More
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Kraaij-Dirkzwager, Magdalena M., et al. "Stakeholder Involvement in Outbreak Management: To Fear or Not to Fear?." IJISCRAM vol.11, no.2 2019: pp.57-78.


Kraaij-Dirkzwager, M. M., Schol, L. G., Schuitmaker-Warnaar, T. J., Timen, A., & Van Steenbergen, J. E. (2019). Stakeholder Involvement in Outbreak Management: To Fear or Not to Fear?. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 11(2), 57-78.


Kraaij-Dirkzwager, Magdalena M., et al. "Stakeholder Involvement in Outbreak Management: To Fear or Not to Fear?," International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 11, no.2: 57-78.

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