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What is Culturally-Responsive Language Learning

Handbook of Research on Implementing Inclusive Educational Models and Technologies for Equity and Diversity
A type of student-centered language learning environment that relies on the use of cultural referents accessible to the learners to enhance the learning of the language, and that promotes the appreciation of linguistic, cultural, ethnic, racial, gender, sexual and any other kinds of diversity.
Published in Chapter:
The Potential of English for Social Purposes and Cooperation for the Development of Digital Literacy
Francisco Javier Palacios-Hidalgo (University of Córdoba, Spain) and Cristina A. Huertas-Abril (University of Córdoba, Spain)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0453-2.ch003
Modern foreign languages and digital literacy are essential in today's education systems to ensure the development of fully prepared citizens. Among the languages learned in schools, English is certainly the most studied in Europe. Consequently, it is not surprising that educational initiatives are being developed to enhance the learning of this language. Such is the case of ‘English for Social Purposes and Cooperation', which aims to foster English language learning through relevant social and cultural topics and the use of educational technology so that learners develop their competences. Although relatively new, the potential of this approach for language learning, raising awareness of social and cultural issues and developing digital skills is undeniable. This chapter explores the potential of ‘English for Social Purposes and Cooperation' for developing teachers' digital literacy, empowering students, and fostering educational technology integration. Moreover, it presents a proposal of technology-based tasks that can help develop learners' digital literacy, equity, and inclusion.
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