Women in Politics: Case of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Women in Politics: Case of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Ebtihaj Ahmed Al-Aali, Gardenia AlSaffar, Meryem Masmoudi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3208-5.ch015
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The research, presented in this chapter, elaborates on the issue of women in politics in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The National Action Charter of Bahrain is the start for the democracy era in the kingdom in 2001. An election takes place every four years. Women's equality in private and public sectors enables the kingdom to achieve sustainably. Studies about women in politics in Bahrain and in the Arabian Gulf countries are rare. This chapter attempts to examine the status of women in politics in Bahrain. A tentative understanding for the issue of women in politics is shown. Women's motivation, challenges/barriers faced by women, and strategies to enhance women's engagement in politics are investigated.
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Women In Politics: Challenges And Barriers

Women for being late entry to the field of politics confront different barriers and challenges. Such barriers/challenges are not confined to a given geographical region. These barriers/ challenges are encountered by women globally. Barriers/challenges can be attributed to many issues. These issues can be geographical, cultural, socioeconomic status and political. Below is the discussions of these issues.

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