Three Educational Perspectives Supporting Social Justice in a Globally Connected World

Three Educational Perspectives Supporting Social Justice in a Globally Connected World

Mikko Mäntyneva
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9567-1.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter studies the three educational perspectives (student interest in learning about other cultures, awareness of global issues, and attitudes toward immigrants), their interrelationship, and whether they predict social justice and respect for people from other cultures. Empirical data were collected as a part of the PISA 2018 large-scale assessment. Students in those 26 OECD countries that participated in the global competence section of PISA 2018 were used as a sample (n = 180,114). The empirical results indicate that respect for people from other cultures can be supported by promoting student interest in learning about other cultures, their awareness of global issues, and their attitudes toward immigrants. Hypothesis testing revealed statistically significant relationships between constructs.
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Prior Research And Hypothesis Development

This section covers the theoretical discussion about the core concepts related to this research. In addition, the previous academic discourse around these concepts is applied to develop the hypotheses to be tested empirically.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Interest in Learning About Other Cultures: Students’ desire to learn more about other cultures including perspectives like origins, customs, languages, religions, and communities.

PISA: Program for International Student Assessment.

Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Way of thinking about people arriving from other countries.

Awareness of Global Issues: Students are aware what major issues are affecting global development.

Respect for People From Other Cultures: An important of perspective of social justice supporting living with people representing other cultures.

Global Competence: A framework created by OECD to cover competences for people to live in a globally connected world.

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