Theoretical Review of Motor Games as a Teaching and Learning Activity in the Area of Physical Education

Theoretical Review of Motor Games as a Teaching and Learning Activity in the Area of Physical Education

Pedro José Carrillo López
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9621-0.ch022
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Motor games have been displaced by virtual games, which contrasts with the development of skills and the socialization of human beings. The aim of this theoretical review was to define the concepts associated with motor game in order to establish methodological adaptations associated with its characteristics in the area of Physical Education and to advance in the development of this term in order to respond to the needs and interests of students in the 21st century. The search includes articles published from 1938 to 2021. This theoretical review concludes that there is general agreement that motor games are fundamental for the integral development of 21st century schoolchildren. In this context, Physical Education acquires an essential role for this integral development, and play is an excellent means to achieve it.
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The stages of Infant and Primary Education are crucial for the integral development of the students from a playful methodology. In order to analyses the role that motor game plays in the area of Physical Education, it is necessary to approach its concept, knowing how to distinguish the characteristics it presents in order to convey its staging. Under this premise, we will be able to deepen our understanding of the inseparable binomial Game-Physical Education: Game-Educational System (Rosa-Guillamón et al., 2021b).

Hence the importance of the game as a motor fact contextualized in the habitual practice of the schoolchild. This importance given to the game is not something new, already in classical Greece the game had an important role in the formation of the citizen. Plato and Aristotle highlighted its educational value. However, nowadays, motor game has been displaced by virtual game, which contrasts with the development of skills and the socialization of human beings. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce well-planned and directed game in Physical Education sessions, as it is a powerful means of learning (Carrillo-López et al., 2021a).

For the teacher, this book chapter is fundamental because it will allow him/her to know the characteristics and fundamental requirements to apply the motor games in an adequate way in his/her sessions. At the same time, it is important for the student, since the different values that emerge from the game will help to enhance their motor, cognitive and social training (Rodríguez et al., 2020).

On the other hand, this chapter is related to all the contents to be developed by the area of Physical Education, as it has a special connection with sports or popular and traditional games, among other contents. Likewise, it is of utmost importance as it is linked to the Royal Decree 126/2014, of 28 February, which establishes the basic curriculum for Primary Education in Spain, as it points out that the game is a methodology in itself, contributing to the development of the competences marked by the current Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December, which modifies the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education.

This chapter will begin by analyzing the motor game in a global way, analyzing its concept, characteristics, historical evolution, classifications, functions and values that are derived from it. It will continue in another block analyzing the game as a teaching and learning activity in the area of Physical Education and, finally, some methodological adaptations will be explained based on the characteristics that motor games present in order to give an answer to the needs and interests of the students of the XXI century.

Without further ado, the first section concerning the global considerations of the game is developed below.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Psychomotricity: Is a discipline whose object of study is the body of the subject, understood as a construction in and for the relationship with the other and located in the intertwining of the neurobiological equipment and the psychic structure.

Motor Competence: Is the set of knowledge involved in the multiple motor interactions that a child carries out in his or her environment and with others.

Academic Achievement: The level of knowledge, skills, and abilities that the student acquires during the teaching-learning process; the evaluation of this is done through the teacher's assessment of the learning of students enrolled in a course.

Sedentary Game: When a person spends most of the day sitting and playing computer games without physical activity.

Strategies in Teaching Practice: The particular way of approaching the activities that make up the teaching of a technical model or motor skill.

Didactics: Is the branch of pedagogy that is responsible for finding methods and techniques to improve teaching, defining the guidelines to ensure that knowledge reaches the students in a more effective way.

Motor Game: Is the organization that includes all types of motor situations in the form of playful activities, which involve significant motor behaviors and which may fulfil different objectives (pedagogical, recreational, group dynamization, cultural, sporting).

Motor Literacy: Is the capacity for motivation, confidence, motor competence, knowledge and understanding in valuing and taking responsibility in the commitment to lifelong physical activity. Game-based learning: This approach involves the use of motor games as a means of instruction. The teacher takes a game material or content as a support to reinforce a particular topic or lesson.

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