The Role of Modern Information and Communication Technologies in Language Training of Technical University Students

The Role of Modern Information and Communication Technologies in Language Training of Technical University Students

Angelina Olegovna Bagateeva, Guliya Nailevna Akhmetzyanova, Nailya Shaukatovna Valeyeva
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8476-6.ch016
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The structure of foreign language communicative competence is considered as a set of linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, strategic, and self-educational competences, each of which contains invariant and variable components. This chapter presents a theoretical model of modular technology of foreign language training based on the integration of the system, competence, personal activity, multicultural, acmeological approaches, and taking into account general didactic and specific (modularity, flexibility, agility, regionality, predictability) principles. Its structural components (theoretical-methodological, purposeful, meaningful, procedural-technological, resultant-evaluative units) are described. The description of the modular technology of foreign language training of technical university students is given. Information and communication technologies are considered as a means of information and methodological support and diagnostic tools for monitoring foreign language training. The results of experimental work are presented.
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In this study the authors assumed the hypothesis that the formation of foreign language communicative competence of technical university students will be effective if:

  • The structure of foreign language communicative competence (FLCC) of technical university students is considered as an integrative characteristic of foreign language training of students, reflecting their ability of motivated use of foreign language in professional activities;

  • Modular technology of foreign language training of technical university students is based on the model built on general didactic, specific principles and reflecting the goals, objectives, technologies, content, results of foreign language training of students;

  • Modular construction of a complex of educational and methodological support contributes to the formation of integrative characteristics of foreign language training of technical university students;

  • Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are used as a means of information and methodological support and as a diagnostic tool for monitoring the process of foreign language training.



In the research studies, devoted to the problem of FLCC development of technical university students, various issues were discussed: models of formation of FLCC (Fadeeva, 2010; Tkachenko, 2011) models for the design of modular technology of FLCC and problem-modular technology of business communication.

The methodological basis of this piece of research is made up of national and foreign theories, concepts that reflect modern pedagogical and psychological theories of professional education, scientific works of Russian and foreign authors on the teaching of foreign languages, the problems of foreign language training of students of higher educational institutions, which reveals ideas of philosophy, psychology of professional activity; fundamentals of psychological activity theory (psychological aspects of professional formation of the personality of (Shadrikov, 2004; Slastenin, 2000; Zimnyaya, n.d.) and methodological approaches to the organization of the educational process: system approach that allows to present the FLCC as a complex multi-functional and multi-tiered system, to determine the relationship and interdependence of its components; competence approach, the determination of essence of such concepts as competence and competency, and their comparison, classification, analysis (Shadrikov, 2004; Zimnyaya, n.d.); the content of competence in vocational education in the context of which structural elements of the FLCC are defined; personal activity, communicative activity (Verbitskiy, 2006) approaches for formation the readiness of graduates for motivated foreign language communicative activities; multicultural approach which contributes to the rapid socialization of students and provides further self-realization of the individual in the multicultural world; and, acmeological approach suggesting ways to activate and develop the potential of students.

The theoretical basis of this study are: the theoretical foundations of pedagogical design (Slastenin, 2000); theoretical basis of the structure and the content of professional education (Valeeva, Kupriyanov, & Valeeva, 2015); theoretical foundations of formation and development of foreign language competence and competency (Galskova, 2004; Zimnyaya, n.d.); methodological and psychological aspects of foreign language training of students (Galskova, 2004; Zimnyaya, n.d.); and, theoretical and methodological foundations of foreign language training of students in the conditions of modular training.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Socio-Cultural Competence: Allowing to understand and use language forms in accordance with the situation.

Multicultural Approach: Contributes to the creation of a multicultural environment, which is designed to educate the professionalism of students in its cultural identification by introducing them to the national and universal culture.

Foreign Language Communicative Competence: It is an integrative characteristic of foreign language training of technical university students, which the authors consider as a set of linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, strategic and self-educational competencies, each of which includes invariant and variable elements.

Strategic Competence: Including the ability to complete language skills deficiency in the process of communication.

Speech Competence: Reflects the necessary level of proficiency in communication techniques.

System Approach: Allows to present the FLCC of technical university students as a complex multifunctional and multi-level system, to determine the relationship and interdependence of its competencies.

Personal-Activity Approach: Provides formation of graduate' readiness for motivated foreign-language communicative activity.

Self-Educational Competence: Contributing to further motivated learning of a foreign language, continuing education, and self-education by means of a foreign language.

Linguistic Competence: Is the ability to understand and apply the units of a foreign language in accordance with the professional field.

Acmeological Approach: Involves the search and use of ways to activate and develop the potential of students, the desire for self-improvement and self-development by means of a foreign language.

Competence Approach: Makes it possible to determine the structural components of FLCC of technical university students (i.e., competences [linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, strategic, self-educational], including invariant and variable elements).

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