The Role of Festivals in Destination Branding

The Role of Festivals in Destination Branding

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6356-7.ch001
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Destinations are areas visited by tourists, containing natural/cultural attractions and openings to experience. The brand is an important reason for tourists to choose the destination. Destination branding contributes to the recognition of the destination and attracting more people. Events are organizations with a specific purpose, time, place, and theme predetermined. Festival events are events that have a specific theme in destinations and experiences which are made; this increases attractiveness, and contributes to destination marketing. Festivals are very important in increasing the recognition of destinations and attracting visitors. In this study, the contributions of festivals to the branding of destinations are written. As a result of the research, it was concluded that culture/art, gastronomy, and sports festivals are effective in destination branding. For this reason, festivals are events that contribute to the promotion of destinations, provide positive feedback about the destination, and encourage people to experience the destination.
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Destinations are defined as areas with various touristic products and destination products can be named with various slogans, logos or names. Naming destination products creates brand perception. For this reason, many destinations strive to create brand value through their products (Çiçek & Pala, 2017). Today, many destination managers aim to become a brand. In order to achieve this goal, ideas are put forward on how the destination will be positioned in the minds of the visitors and which designs will be realized. In line with the determined target, destinations first consider the travel needs of the visitors in order to create a brand. Therefore, in reaching the goal of creating brand value, various designs were realized by taking into account the expectations of the visitors from the trip. Fulfilling expectations from travel creates a positive image for the destination. The positive image perception of the visitors towards the destination and the continuity of this perception create positive results for the branding goals of the destination (Özaltaş Serçek & Serçek, 2015; Akturan & Oğuztimur, 2016). In the branding of destinations, first of all, a unique image and identity of the destination is created. With the researches and studies carried out by destination managers, it is examined which product will be branded in line with the identity of the destination and which branding strategies the destination can apply (Keller, 1998).

While branding destinations, which product will contribute to branding, what the expectations of local people and tourists are, the relationship of people with brand theory and financial capabilities are taken into consideration. In line with these issues, successful branding is achieved by advertising with an effective marketing plan in tourism (Morgan, Anette & Roger, 2004; Pike, 2005; Bagaeen, 2007). Destinations differentiate from their competitors as a result of branding. In order to see the positive effects of branding, it is necessary to create a quality brand (Ritchie & Ritchie, 1998; Pike & Bianchi, 2016; Fathabadi, Nejad, & Alizadeh, 2017). Through branding, tourists visiting destinations can be diversified, tourism products can be developed and problems in destination management can be reduced (Fyall, Wang & Garrod, 2012).

Events are one of the touristic organizations that are included in marketing strategies in tourism as a part of destination attractiveness. Events are organizations that are influenced by the culture of societies and affect other societies, have various themes, play a role in attracting tourists and branding goals of the region (Jackson, 2008; Amara, 2017). Festival events, which offer authentic and different experiences, affect the emotions of the visitors and enable them to create a positive image towards the destination. The positive image perception that occurs through festival activities can brand the destination (Amara, 2017). Festival events are a good competitive element for destinations, a source of finance, an event that showcases regional identity, and one of the factors contributing to regional development. An effective plan considering these factors makes the festival a brand. Since destinations with festivals that are branded in tourism are branded on behalf of the festival, festival events have an important power in the branding of destinations (Getz, 2008; Lopez & Leenders, 2018).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sports Festival: These are the events where people from the national or international area come together who want to compete in sports activity or watch sports activities.

Festival: It is the participation of some members of the society in a pre-planned activity at the same place, at the same time and for a specific purpose.

Gastronomy Festival: These are events whose purpose is to promote and experience food or beverages and to raise awareness of people on this issue.

Brand Awareness: Individuals are aware of the existence of a brand and prefer that brand more.

BRAND: A brand is all symbols, texts or figures that represent a business or a place.

Culture and Arts Festival: A culture and art festival is a people's event that includes poetry, literature, music, or cultural meaning.

Destination Branding: It is to differentiate the destination in the national and international arena and to ensure that it is recognized with its original elements.

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