The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Shaping Online Purchase Decision-Making

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Shaping Online Purchase Decision-Making

Anagha Ashok, Zidan Kacchi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4453-8.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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This book chapter explores the pivotal role of emotional intelligence (EI) in influencing online purchase decision-making. Delving into the digital consumer landscape, it sheds light on how individuals harness their emotional intelligence to navigate the vast array of online choices. The chapter synthesizes empirical studies and theoretical frameworks, unraveling the nuanced interplay between emotional intelligence, consumer emotions, and the decision-making process in e-commerce. By examining the impact of EI on factors like trust, perceived value, and brand loyalty, the chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of its multifaceted implications. Additionally, it discusses practical implications for businesses seeking to optimize their online platforms, emphasizing the need for emotionally intelligent design and personalized experiences. With insights drawn from contemporary research, this chapter contributes to the evolving discourse on emotional intelligence's pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of online consumer behavior.
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In the vast world of online commerce, we immerse ourselves in an ever changing scenario. From its humble beginnings to becoming a giant, online commerce has redefined the way we shop. It's like an ever-evolving ecosystem where each click opens a door to a myriad of options and experiences. Let's imagine this landscape as a global market, where virtual stores are alleys filled with digital colors. Consumers navigate through these alleys, exploring products ranging from practical to extravagant. The competition is fierce, and brands strive to stand out in this bustling virtual market. In this vast market, convenience is the currency. Consumers seek frictionless experiences, from searching for products to the checkout process (George, 2000). Online commerce platforms offer conveniences beyond imagination, from swift deliveries to personalized recommendations. Now, let's shift our perspective and delve into the very heart of consumer decisions: emotions. In this fascinating journey, we discover that purchasing decisions go beyond simple logic and enter the realm of emotions.

Emotions, nuances of the human experience, play a key role in the decision-making process. Let's envision each purchasing decision as a story, where emotion takes center stage. From the excitement of discovering a new product to the satisfaction of receiving it at the doorstep, each step is imbued with emotion. The emotional connection with a brand or product cannot be underestimated. Consumers don't just buy products; they purchase experiences and a sense of belonging. It's like entering into a relationship, where the brand becomes an emotional companion, sharing joyful moments and overcoming challenges together. Now, let's tackle the central piece of this emotional puzzle: Emotional Intelligence (EI). In the world of online commerce, where face-to-face interaction is limited, EI becomes the flashlight that illuminates the dark corners of purchasing behaviors. EI is not just a trendy term; it's the compass guiding brands through the labyrinth of consumer emotions (Goleman, 2011). It's like endowing online commerce platforms with an emotional sixth sense. From the initial interaction to post-purchase, EI enables brands to read emotional signals, understanding needs and desires beyond written words. Let's imagine EI as a translator of emotions in the digital world. Platforms that comprehend a customer's joy upon receiving a package or frustration with a logistical issue are one step ahead in the game. EI is not just about selling products; it's about building long-term emotional relationships.

In this vast digital landscape, EI becomes the glue that binds brands and consumers. Each interaction, from website design to automated customer service responses, transforms into an opportunity to showcase empathy and understanding. It's like building emotional bridges over bits and bytes. In this chapter, through online commerce and consumer emotions, a panorama emerges where technology intertwines with humanity. Virtual platforms become emotional spaces where purchases are not just transactions but experiences of emotions. In this vast ocean of digital choices, brands that understand the importance of emotions emerge as leaders. It's not just about selling; it's about connecting emotionally. Each click, each purchase is an opportunity to dive into emotional waters and leave a lasting impression on the consumer's mind and heart. So, as we continue navigating this fascinating world of online commerce, let's remember that behind every screen is a consumer with a beating heart, expecting not just products but experiences that resonate with their emotional essence.

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