The HPT Model Applied to a University Technology and Learning Center's Resource Allocation

The HPT Model Applied to a University Technology and Learning Center's Resource Allocation

Sreeja Sreenivasan Mattookkaran, Terri Mestre, Barbara Shortt, Florence Martin
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0054-5.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) Human Performance Technology model was used as a guideline for this case study and applied to assess and evaluate the resource allocation at the Technology and Learning Center (TLC). This model has proven to be a useful guideline as a process to be followed during the project. A team of instructional systems technology graduate students served in a consulting role on this project to help the TLC allocate resources and redesign processes on how support tickets were handled. The project team conducted performance analysis through extensive stakeholder interviews and extant data review to perform organizational, environmental, gap and cause analysis. Through these analyses, performance issues were isolated, the causes behind them were identified and concluded with the recommendation of interventions to the client.
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Organization Background

The Technology and Learning Center (TLC) at this southeastern higher education institution in the United States provide pedagogical support and pedagogy-related technical support to faculty and students.

The Organization, Mission, Vision, and Goals

The TLC was analyzed for its organizational structure, mission, values, and goals. The vision, mission, values, and goals of the TLC are posted and updated on the TLC website. The center conveys these to the employees and exhibits them in their daily practices. The goals of the TLC and the individual team member duties were aligned with the overall mission, vision, and values of the TLC. The strategic goals of the Center provide great value to the faculty, students and the learning culture of the University as a whole (Table 1).

Table 1.
Organization mission, vision, values and goals
VISIONThe Center for Teaching and Learning:
     • Is an integral part of the success of the University.
     • Is a leader in the innovative use of scholarly research in teaching and learning.
     • Defines best practices in professional development that ensure quality course design through the effective integration of technology and innovative teaching strategies.
     • Is an unwavering advocate of a diverse, open learning environment which fosters active collaboration among all members of the Academy.
MISSIONThe Center for Teaching and Learning enhances the University’s mission of teaching and learning excellence, provides enterprise level instructional technologies, and champions the advancement of scholarly teaching. Major priorities include:
     • Providing professional development opportunities to ensure constructive and active learning environments.
     • Leveraging the experience and wisdom of faculty leaders to promote teaching excellence.
     • Encouraging innovative research and scholarly publication on teaching and learning.
     • Identifying, developing, and sustaining enterprise level instructional technology systems.
     • Collaborating with campus constituents to assess programs, tools, and services that support their teaching and learning needs.
     • Contributing to the development of policies, initiatives, and Campus-wide culture that supports excellence in teaching.
VALUESWhat the Center for Teaching and Learning value as an organization:
     • Mutual Respect
     • Academic Integrity
     • Diversity
     • Inclusion and Accessibility
     • Open Communications
     • Collaboration and Teamwork
     • Continuous Learning
     • Innovation
     • Academic Excellence
     • Customer Service
GOALSThe Goals and Objectives for the Center for Teaching and Learning:
     • Transform student learning experiences by providing professional development opportunities for faculty and graduate teaching assistants. Examples would include interactive workshops, online self-paced instructional materials, online pedagogy and so on.
     • Promote best practices of teaching excellence in both traditional and online pedagogy of teaching and learning.
     • Develop and expand the Scholarship of Teaching and
     • Identify, develop, and sustain enterprise level instructional technology systems.
     • Collaborate with campus constituents to support the university’s strategic teaching and learning initiatives.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Organizational Analysis: It is the process of examining the organization including their mission, vision, goals, structure and key stakeholders.

GAP Analysis: It is the process of identifying the gap by measuring the actual performance and optimal performance.

Resource Allocation: A process of assigning and managing resources based on an organization’s strategic goals.

Feasibility Analysis: it is a process of identifying the likelihood of success in the implementation of the interventions identified.

Cause Analysis: It is the process of identifying the causes of the gaps that exist in the organization.

Performance Analysis: It is the process identifying the need or gaps in an organization using a systematic approach including organizational analysis, environmental analysis, gap analysis and cause analysis.

Environmental Analysis: It is the process of examining the work, worker, and workplace in an organization.

Teaching and Learning Center: A center that provides support for teaching and learning at higher education institutions.

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