The Future of Digital Marketing: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Competitive Strategies and Tactics

The Future of Digital Marketing: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Competitive Strategies and Tactics

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9324-3.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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AI is crucial for digital marketing, enabling data analysis, customer insights, and campaign optimization. This chapter explores AI's role, benefits, and limitations in marketing. It covers analyzing customer behavior, personalized content, campaign optimization, and engagement. AI trends, use cases like personalized content and chatbots, and emerging technologies are discussed. Real-life examples and case studies showcase successful AI integration. The chapter provides a framework for an AI-driven marketing strategy, emphasizing data management and talent acquisition. It explores the future of AI in digital marketing, including augmented reality and voice search. Overall, leveraging AI helps companies thrive in the competitive digital landscape.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prominent in the field of digital marketing, offering various benefits and presenting certain limitations. Here's an overview of the benefits and limitations of AI in digital marketing.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Competitive Strategies: Strategies that enable an organization to maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors.

Tactics: Planning and organizing means to achieve the best results in an organization.

Artificial Intelligence: Applying logical rules to data to draw conclusions, identify visual, sensory, and behavioral patterns, and apply reasoning to everyday situations.

Case Studies: Cases that help to better understand a subject by addressing its success.

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