The Emerging Potential of 21st Century Bio-Inspired Swarm Robotics in Modern Medical Surgery

The Emerging Potential of 21st Century Bio-Inspired Swarm Robotics in Modern Medical Surgery

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1277-3.ch003
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Bio-inspired swarm robotics in medical surgery involves taking inspiration from the collective behaviors and coordination strategies observed in natural swarms, such as ants, bees, fish schools, and bird flocks, and applying these principles to develop robotic systems for medical procedures. This innovative approach holds the potential to revolutionize various aspects of medical surgery. In swarm robotics, individual robots work together to accomplish tasks that are beyond the capabilities of a single robot. Similarly, in surgery, a group of small robots could collaborate to perform complex tasks like tissue manipulation, suturing, or assisting in delicate procedures. This chapter aims to offer a synopsis of the current state of swarm robotics technology in analysis, research potentials, and applications in the modern medical field.
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1. Introduction

In recent decades, robotic technologies have seen widespread adoption in various medical applications, such as surgical procedures (Staub et al., 2019) (Barua et al., 2022), and rehabilitation engineering (Laut et al., 2016). Their integration aims to enhance the efficiency and quality of medical treatments. However, these robots must interact with humans and navigate complex anatomical structures and internal organs through small incisions (Barua et al., 2022) (Datta et al., 2023). Consequently, they require greater flexibility and intelligence compared to conventional robots. Robots are autonomous or somewhat autonomous devices that can carry out tasks precisely and effectively. They can be used to automate procedures, carry out risky activities, or aid humans in repetitive or precise jobs in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and space exploration. To create and manage these robots, robotics incorporates elements of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and artificial intelligence (Barua et al., 2024). In the realm of modern medical surgery, technological advancements have paved the way for innovative approaches that enhance precision, minimize invasiveness, and optimize patient outcomes. One such groundbreaking development is the integration of bio-inspired swarm robotics into surgical procedures. Swarm robotics draws inspiration from the collective behaviors of social organisms in nature, such as ants, bees, or birds, and applies these principles to create a network of autonomous robotic agents working collaboratively (Ismail et al., 2020) (Barua et al., 2024). This essay explores the potential of bio-inspired swarm robotics in revolutionizing modern medical surgery, focusing on its applications, benefits, and challenges. Robotics is a significant and developing area in the modern world because of the need to increase production, increase safety, and explore new horizons in human-robot collaboration. In the realm of robotic surgery, medical professionals guide robot movements by manipulating advanced instruments and relying on feedback from endoscopic cameras (Marlicz et al., 2020). This means they do not have direct access to the anatomical regions and lack eye-hand coordination. This poses a significant challenge for existing sensing, actuation, and control methods (Barua et al., 2023) (Datta et al., 2023) (Das et al., 2023). To address these issues, numerous researchers have incorporated biologically inspired techniques into medical robots (Paley et al., 2016). For instance, snake-like continuum robots enable flexible bending motions in minimally invasive surgery (Dupont et al., 2022), while insect-inspired exoskeleton robots (Manoonpong et al., 2021) offer mobility assistance to individuals with disabilities. Emulating biological systems represents the future of medical robotics, promising the development of more efficient systems (Barua et al., 2023). A form of multi-robot system called a swarm of very basic robots works together to accomplish tasks or goals. Swarm robots, in contrast to conventional single, complicated robots, are made to function in huge groups, frequently imitating the group behaviors seen in nature, such as those of flocks of birds or schools of fish. These robots interact locally and frequently use decentralized algorithms to communicate and cooperate with one another. Swarm robots has uses in a variety of industries, including as agriculture, environmental monitoring, self-assembling buildings, and search and rescue operations. Swarm robotics is a potential area of study and development in the science of robotics because it may increase efficiency, flexibility, and fault tolerance by dividing jobs among several robots. Bio-robotics emerges as an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of biomedical engineering, cybernetics, and robotics to create innovative systems that blend biology with mechanical devices imitating natural processes (Alabdulatif et al., 2023) (Barua., 2024). Bio-inspired swarm robots can operate with decentralized control, where individual robots make decisions based on local information and interactions with neighboring robots (Ni et al., 2016). This can enhance adaptability and responsiveness to dynamic surgical environments. By using a swarm of smaller robots, each with limited physical impact, the potential for tissue trauma and damage during surgery could be reduced, aligning with the goals of minimally invasive procedures (Zhu et al., 2021) (Barua et al., 2022). While the concept of bio-inspired swarm robotics in surgery holds immense potential, there are significant challenges to overcome. Developing the necessary technologies for miniaturization, communication, control algorithms, and ensuring patient safety are among the key challenges. Additionally, regulatory approval and ethical considerations associated with introducing novel robotic systems into medical practice need to be addressed (Ni et al., 2016). Advancements in micro-engineering, artificial intelligence, materials science, and medical robotics are likely to play a crucial role in bringing these concepts closer to practical implementation (Waidi et al., 2023). Traditional manufacturing techniques often lack the precision required to replicate biological systems faithfully, and commercial materials cannot perfectly mimic their mechanical properties. However, recent advancements in 3D printing technologies and materials science have made it easier to develop new bio-inspired solutions (Barua et al., 2023). This, in turn, has spurred the application of bionic technologies in medical robotics. In this chapter, we embark on a comprehensive review, commencing with an in-depth introduction to nanotechnology, robotics, and their applications in medicine. We explore how these fields have evolved and paved the way for the integration of nanorobots into medical applications (Datta et al., 2023) (Barua et al., 2024). The essential components of nanorobots, including sensors, actuators, nano controllers, and other crucial elements, are presented, along with various design concepts drawn from prior research. Consequently, this research topic aims to showcase the latest advancements and accomplishments in bio-inspired technologies. Its overarching goal is to support future research directions in the field of medical robotics, encompassing aspects such as structural design, modeling, manufacturing, sensing, actuation, control, and more.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Swarm Robot: Multiple tiny robots in a swarm robot system cooperate with one another, much like a swarm of insects or a group of social animals. To accomplish shared objectives, these robots coordinate their activities through communication. Swarm robotics is influenced by the group actions that occur in nature, such as ants searching for food or birds swarming in the skies.

Robotics: The design, construction, programming, and use of robots are all part of the technology and engineering discipline known as robotics.

Drug Delivery: The technique and technology used to deliver pharmaceuticals to the body are referred to as drug delivery. It seeks to precisely target particular regions, deliver medications at regulated rates, and increase their efficacy while reducing unwanted effects. The distribution and absorption of drugs are optimized using a variety of delivery technologies, including as tablets, injections, patches, and nanoparticles, which improve the therapeutic effect of treatments.

Bio-Inspired: A technology, product, or system is said to be “bio-inspired” if it has been designed or developed using natural structures, processes, or principles. To produce original answers, it imitates biological occurrences. Examples include bio-mimicry in engineering and architecture, where designs imitate efficiency or utility found in nature, and bio-inspired algorithms in computer science, which mimic behavior in nature to address challenging issues.

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