The Counselor System Under the Perspective of Chinese University Governance

The Counselor System Under the Perspective of Chinese University Governance

Cheng Jiang, Meng Li, Yao Luo
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7441-5.ch004
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The university counselor system, an essential part of the development of college students, is the mainstay of quality-oriented education and modern management. This chapter focuses on the Chinese university counselor system and the relationship between the system and university governance. The chapter probes into the features and dilemmas of modern Chinese university governance, discusses the content and historical development of the Chinese university counselor system, and proposes ideas on how to learn from the advantages of similar systems in European countries and the USA from a comparative perspective. This chapter analyzes the effect of the Chinese counselor system on the university governance system from the perspective of Chinese university governance, including the positive effect of the system on university stakeholders' governance and modern university governance. Then, the chapter discusses suggested improvements for the university counselor system, and puts forward some suggestions, including moral education, role definition, and professionalization.
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The concept of “governance” originated from research into corporate problems. Subsequently, it was gradually applied to the research of governance on various non-profit organizations, such as governments and schools (Fu & Zhao, 2009). Researchers in European countries and the USA studied university governance earlier than China. The foundation for the study of university governance is John Corson’s publication in 1960, Governance of College and Universities: Modernizing Structure and Processes (Zheng, 2011). The study of university governance in China is still in its infancy, and the research of governance theories comes mainly from the foreign works or experiences of university governance. Based on the connotation of university governance, Gan (2007) analyzed the model of modern university governance, believing that there are three major international models in the structure of contemporary university governance: the relational governance model, based on the supervision of the insider; the administrative type of governance, based on national supervision, and the compound governance model based on intermediary institutions (which are usually on behalf of the government). Chinese universities have transformed their governance model from government control into government supervision, reflecting the mutual adaptation of the relations between Chinese universities and the government. This has not only reduced the burden of the government, but has also accelerated the development of colleges and universities (Jiang et al., 2005). Overall, Chinese research on the governance model is still in its infancy. Further research is needed to reveal how the governance theory can truly integrate into the practice of university management. The present research requires an in-depth and meticulous analysis with regard to the potential value and significance of university governance.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Ideological and Political Education: A social practice in which a society or a social group uses certain ideas, concepts, political views, and moral norms to improve students’ ideology and enable them to form ideological and moral qualities that conform to the social status quo. It is also a lifelong learning objective in Chinese literature.

University Governance: A mechanism for promoting the development of universities by stakeholders’ establishment of the university system and the improvement of the overall quality of students. The construction of the university system in China should aim at not only the enhancement of the students' ideology, but also the cultivation of students' inner thoughts centered on the spirit of academic freedom.

University: Short for general institute of higher education. The university is both a cultural institution with unique functions and an institution of higher education that inherits, studies, integrates, and innovates the profound academic knowledge, and that is correlated with but independent of the social economic and political institutions. Not only is it a product of the development of human culture in a certain stage, but it has also formed a unique culture with its long-term schooling practice, through historical accumulation, its own efforts, and the influence of the external environment.

Counselors: Specialized faculty engaged in student affairs such as ideological and political education, day-to-day management, employment guidance, mental health, and construction of Party and League, etc.

Teaching Management: The process and principle of applying management science and teaching theory, giving full play to management functions such as planning, organization, coordination and control, coordinating the various elements of the teaching process, making it run in an orderly manner, and improving efficiency.

Quality-Oriented Education: An education model that aims at improving the quality of educated people and attaching importance to people's ideological and moral qualities, ability training, personality development, and the education of both physical and mental health.

Role Positioning: An almost irreplaceable position in a combination under a certain environment.

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