Synergizing Horizons: The Tech-Driven Unification of Health, Environment, and the Law

Synergizing Horizons: The Tech-Driven Unification of Health, Environment, and the Law

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1178-3.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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The chapter explores the transformative implications of the tech-driven unification of health, environment, and legal domains, emphasizing the profound impact on societal well-being. It delves into the ethical considerations that arise, balancing the collective good with individual privacy rights, addressing biases in artificial intelligence, and ensuring transparent and inclusive technological practices. Global collaboration, exemplified by India's contributions, becomes pivotal in addressing challenges that transcend borders. Looking ahead, the chapter envisions a future of innovation with advancements in predictive technologies, interoperability, and immersive experiences. It underscores the necessity of a human-centric approach, drawing insights from India's diverse landscape. The conclusion is not a static endpoint but a juncture where collaborative efforts paint a vision of a harmonious, resilient, and sustainable future, with India playing a crucial role in this ongoing narrative of global collaboration and responsible technological integration.
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Literature Review

The convergence of health, environment, and law in the digital age presents a complex and dynamic landscape, prompting a critical review of existing literature. David (2017) and Bublitz (2019) both highlighted the transformative potential of technological innovation, particularly in the areas of environmental enforcement and health research. Environmental monitoring systems, empowered by sensors, satellites, and big data analytics, have emerged as critical sentinels, providing real-time insights into air and water quality, deforestation patterns, and climate change impacts. Das et al., (2022) highlight the effectiveness of these systems in predicting and mitigating health risks associated with environmental hazards. For instance, air quality monitoring data can be integrated with respiratory health surveillance systems to trigger targeted interventions during pollution peaks. The convergence of environmental data and personalized healthcare platforms offers a unique opportunity for targeted interventions. Pristner and Warth (2022) explored how individual environmental exposures can be factored into healthcare plans to optimize treatment and prevention strategies. For example, individuals with asthma residing in areas with high air pollution levels might benefit from personalized air filtration devices or medication adjustments based on real-time air quality data.

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