Secure VANET Routing Protocols for Improved Vehicular Communication in Autonomous Systems

Secure VANET Routing Protocols for Improved Vehicular Communication in Autonomous Systems

Abarna S., Naskath J., Rathi Pathi R., Jeyalakshmi C.
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1962-8.ch007
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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) represent an advanced iteration of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) designed specifically for internet communication within vehicles. VANETs aim to enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, enhancing safety and convenience for drivers and passengers. However, the open nature of ad hoc networks and the absence of a well-defined line of defense make security a crucial concern for VANETs. Prior to deploying mobile ad hoc networks in hostile or sensitive areas, it becomes imperative to establish robust security services. This study addresses the need for a trusted VANET routing protocol that incorporates a diverse range of security services. The proposed approach implements a secure routing protocol based on the Dijkstra Algorithm to identify the secure and shortest path. For ensuring secure routing, the protocol employs route request (RREQ) and route reply (RREP) mechanisms to identify trustworthy nodes. Additionally, message authentication is utilized to provide end-to-end, hop-to-hop, and entire-route authentication. To transmit messages securely, the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol is employed for message encryption, ensuring safe delivery to the intended destination. To assess the performance of the suggested protocol, the authors conducted simulations using NS2. These simulation results demonstrate that the proposed routing protocol outperforms existing methods, affirming its effectiveness in VANET environments.
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Today's world has seen a rise in the use of wireless technology, which may be applied in a variety of contexts at any time. Wireless networks provide communication between nodes via wireless data links, whereas ad hoc networks rely on nodes banding together to route and forward messages. Vehicle ad hoc networks (VANETs) are the most popular and pertinent uses of ad hoc mobile networks. VANETs connect nodes automatically and don't require any pre-existing infrastructure. According to (Nidhal M et al, 2015), the main goals of VANET networks are to improve road safety and offer convenience services to drivers. Because it directly affects passenger lives, protecting VANETs from potential threats is essential. Vehicle connectivity to the internet and service access is made possible by VANETs (Lai W K et al, 2015). Vehicular Ad hoc Networks allow for communication between stirring cars in a limited region. Vehicles can interact directly with one another in Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication, but they can also communicate with infrastructure components like roadside units (RSUs) in vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication (Rehman et al, 2013). Researchers have recently concentrated on a variety of VANET-related issues, such as broadcasting, routing, security, architectures, applications, and protocols; as well as Quality of Service (QoS). Cities are experiencing an increase in accidents and traffic congestion as a result of the growing number of automobiles on the road. To solve these problems, vehicles must communicate effectively and securely (Rehman et al, 2013). VANETs are networks that use a variety of routing protocols, which can be broadly classified into five categories: topology-based, position-based, cluster-based, geocast, and broadcast (Kamboj S et al, 2014).

When compared to conventional wireless networks, Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) include a number of distinctive features. Above all, VANETs are extremely dynamic and fast-changing ecosystems. The network topology is always changing, as vehicles travel in different directions and at different speeds. VANET protocols must be flexible and able to handle sudden changes in network connectivity due to this dynamism. Fig 1 depicts the different characteristics of VANET which are most commonly known. The fact that VANETs depend on wireless communication is another important feature. Since cars interact wirelessly with other cars and with the infrastructure along the road, they are vulnerable to a number of problems with wireless communication, including fading, attenuation, and interference from other signals (Saini M et al, 2016). Time-sensitive applications such as traffic signal coordination and collision avoidance necessitate low-latency answers for communication in VANETs (Kumar V et al, 2013). Furthermore, because of the constant data interchange between vehicles, VANETs produce enormous amounts of data, which calls for effective data processing and management systems.

Figure 1.

VANET characteristics

Figure 2.

VANET applications


Commercial Applications of VANETs Commercial applications have a plethora of potential thanks to Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs). Among the most well-known is location-based marketing and advertising. Businesses are able to target potential customers with relevant adverts depending on their location and interests thanks to VANETs' connectivity and data exchange capability (Hamdi M M et al, 2020). For example, a coffee shop could entice passing vehicles to stop for a cup of coffee by sending them a special discount voucher. Furthermore, fleet management systems are made possible by VANETs, which help businesses save a lot of money by monitoring vehicle performance, optimizing routes, and enhancing fuel efficiency. Figure 2 Describes the application of VANET in different areas such as safety purpose, commercial and convenience purpose.

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