School Improvement in Culturally Diverse Schools: Valuable Insights of Successful Components

School Improvement in Culturally Diverse Schools: Valuable Insights of Successful Components

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7818-9.ch006
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The concept of school improvement is about implementing blend of well-tested processes that identifies and addresses the developmental needs of the schools. Effective school improvement is not only driven by commitment to amend the learning outcomes, but it also requires supportive environment where relationships and trust are being developed. In the pursuit of school improvement, the role of quality teaching is unquestionable; however, the capacity of school leadership team in building professional learning environment is equally critical. In this respect, this chapter focuses on school improvement framework and how it impacts student's achievement and learning. The study is made in UAE school context wherein private and public schools are implementing different models for amending student's learning and development in school, shedding light on the new strategies used during COVID-19 under the concept of improvement. The study concludes with some future research directions and suggestions that can increase the value of education reforms.
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The Concept of School Improvement

School improvement begins with a meaningful need assessment; therefore, it is typically a systematic process where school identifies the need of improvement. Blaik (2022), says that the process of learning starts from school; therefore, the most vital aspect under school improvement concept is the learning environment. For decades, most educators have suspected that schools can lift student's achievements by improving the learning environment. School improvement is necessary not only to build the grade levels but also to enhance the real progressive state of students. Improvements facilitated in schools helps in shaping the professional background for students; hence, makes the students clearer about their career goals and objectives.

In respect to Reynolds and Neeleman (2021) view, school improvement starts with diagnosing the challenges and difficulties school is experiencing. The improvement plan is always based on solving the challenges and struggles school is facing in different realms. The concept of School Improvement includes adopting new techniques for improving classroom activities, imparting training to the teachers in different areas and also improving overall school environment. In 2014 the Ruler of Dubai launched the UAE National Agenda to achieve the objectives of UAE Vision 2021. (UAE, School Inspection Framework, 2021) as the rapid change in the Emirates and the future success of the UAE depends upon an educated work force and a high-quality education system (Abdallah & Alkhrabsheh, 2019).

It states that in order to improve school areas, it is essential to focus on several things such as high-quality teachers, effective school leadership, effectual classroom activities and better communication with students. The school leaders in UAE believes in taking improvement actions in order to make the school high-performing educational institutions as well as it also amends student's achievement. This is the reason UAE has been more into promoting innovation in education to uplift the quality of academic education and student's learning. As per Musah et al. (2023), it is advisable to perceive quality as a continual process of enhancement, rather than a fixed objective.

The main purpose behind the improvement process is to increase the level of student achievement by focusing on learning priorities. The performance of students becomes better when teachers use curriculum-delivery strategies which on purpose addresses all learning needs of students and also when the environment of the school is supportive. In the area of improvement, curriculum is considered as the foundation of the educational system as it comprises of underlying principles, philosophies and goals which reinforces not only classroom activities but also the overall education system. In UAE, the curriculum is divided into different aspects wherein the UAE Ministry of Education embraces the directorial documents to shape the learning in schools.

The Ministry of Education also sets some authorities to implement curriculum in the classroom by providing necessary resources and teaching materials for teachers. Further, student's learning of skills and value is being analyzed under attained curriculum which also defines their practical learning through classroom activities. In addition to this, Ministry of Education typically emphasizes on improving the delivery of curriculum through involving participation of principal, teachers, parents and school council in school improvement process.

Gore et al., (2021) in this realm contends that school improvement simply means putting change that can lead to successful outcomes. In the concept, teachers have been trying to improve their capability to effect real change in classroom activities; whilst also improving student's learning. However, what is truly needed are the strategies, skills and tools to implement changes in school learning for student's better performance. Thus, school leaders along with the authorities create plans and strategies to identify the areas that can be restructured for improving the learning facilities for students.

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