Rural Entrepreneurship Skill Development Through Regenerative Tourism in Channapatna, Karnataka

Rural Entrepreneurship Skill Development Through Regenerative Tourism in Channapatna, Karnataka

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9510-7.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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With the increasing popularity of the tourism industry, a significant rise and development of destination and managing crowds has always remained a challenge that contributed to global tourism costs rise and pressure on local resources. The concept of regenerative tourism focuses on promoting the concept of leaving behind something better than the present. Regenerative tourism supports the industry to be reborn and continuously renew itself avoiding human intervention. Regenerative tourism acknowledges co-existing natural and social environmental set-ups and is planned such that local land and people get back from whatever they have invested for tourism development. Channapatna, the toy town of Karnataka, may see a further glorious future if the concept of regenerative tourism can be applied in the region. The town lies in an already existing tourism circuit, and regenerative tourism would show new avenues of rural entrepreneurship opportunities. In lieu of this, the chapter discusses in detail the scope of skill development in the Channapatna region of Karnataka.
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To proceed with the research work it is of utmost importance that the terms that would be used repeatedly must be inferred properly to avoid any future confusion.

Figure 1.

Regenerative tourism


Key Terms in this Chapter

Upskill: Skilling the workforce with some new type of training or advanced version of the existing knowledge to upgrade the workforce and increase productivity.

Sustainable Tourism: Sustainable tourism inducts the thought of optimum utilization of the available resources to ensure conservation of tourism resources for the future without compromising the current industry needs.

Rural Entrepreneurship: Rural entrepreneurship is process of engaging the rural population for some remunerative or profit-oriented activity, business, or service. This in the long run works well to stop the rural-urban migration and unnecessary crowding and pressure on urban resources.

Rural Development: Rural development is the upgradation process or endeavour through which the livelihood process, living standard, quality of living, economic standards of a rural area and its demography are improved.

Skill Development: Skill development is the process of proving skill training appropriated through skill gap studies.

Reskill: Skilling the unemployed demography with some new type of training to provide employment.

Regenerative Tourism: Regenerative tourism is a sensitive and un-exploitative way to deal tourism resources so that the industry must pay back through contribution for the local economy and the population.

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