Research on the Effects of Fast Food Products on the Body

Research on the Effects of Fast Food Products on the Body

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8197-1.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter, the authors of the study show the results of a series of experiments conducted on more than 200 experimental animals (white rats) with the study of various internal organs, substantiating the negative physiological effect of fat oxidation products. Experiments on animals have proven a close relationship between the content of secondary oxidation products and their effect on the body and the need to regulate and standardize this indicator in finished products at the stages of their circulation and sale to ensure the safety of fast-food products.
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Introduction Of The Chapter

The materials in this chapter are based entirely on the authors' own research.

The purpose of the studies reflected in this chapter was to study the level of toxic effects of oxidation products of fast food products and fats used for frying some of its types, in particular, the concentration of copolymers insoluble in petroleum ether, on the body of animals with prolonged consumption against the background of a balanced diet to establish safety indicators

Special attention was paid to the concentration of compounds insoluble in petroleum ether (СIPE), as well as the content of epoxides and conjugated dienes.

The scientific research conducted in this area was dedicated to assessing the safety of deep-frying fats only (mainly sunflower soybean, rapeseed, palm and other oils), subjected to high-temperature processing when frying products in deep-frying fat (Abdel-Aal, M.H., and H.A. Karara. 1986; Andrikopoulos al., 2002; Rimac-Brncic, S., et al., 2004; Velasco, J. et al., 2005; Marmesat, S. et al.,2005).

At present, industrial fast food products technology uses a wide range of fats and their mixtures, differing in fatty acid composition, content of approved food additives-antioxidants and quality indicators for which no identical assessment was made in animal experiments, which allows to compare the existing regulated level СIPE and their real effect on the body.

In addition, the need for ongoing research is due to the lack of experimental data on the safety and effect on the body made by products with oxidized fat phase containing different concentrations of СIPE, and not deep-frying fats, because a person consumes the product, not the fat, in which this product undergoes thermal processing.

Based on the objectives of this research, the following experimental studies have been conducted:

  • Assessment of the safety of industrially produced fast food products with a large proportion of the fat component containing different concentrations of СIPE, both deep-fried and made using other technologies;

  • comparison of the experimental data on the intensity of pathological changes in the body, depending on the concentration of СIPE in palm oil, which is widely used as deep-frying fat in food technology;

  • a comparative analysis and comparison of the level of toxic effect that the deep-frying fats and products fried in them have on the organism to assess the adequacy of deep frying fats safety indicators monitoring in the technological process;

  • Safety assessment of the of the new generation deep-frying fat Vegafray 05, which does not contain trans-isomers, produced by Cargill Russia LLC.

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