Reconsidering the Career Construction in Modern Era

Reconsidering the Career Construction in Modern Era

Gökhan Arastaman
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7772-0.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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There have been significant changes in business—in the nature of employment—influenced by the transformations in the economy, society and technology. These changes led to uncertainty and competition in the labor market, insecurity in employment, and divisions in career paths. This was especially important in the 21st century where the technological advancements have created a more mobile, unstable environment. Career construction theory describes elucidative and relational progress through which individual impose meaning and direction on his/her vocational behaviors. This chapter, which approaches the idea of Savickas in a theoretical basis, offers a consideration on the career construction thinking based on his propositions. The chapter provides a framework for viewing vocational behavior across the lifespan as a dynamic process which considers life themes, vocational personality, and career adaptability. To this end, it aims to support academics, human resources specialists, and counsellors to benefit from Savickas' seminal thought.
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Overview Of Cct

The CCT evolved from Super’s (1951, 1990) developmental theory of vocational choice. This major theoretical perspective is considered to be the most comprehensive and influential guiding framework in vocational psychology research (Hackett, Lent, & Greenhaus, 1991). Specifically, the developmental perspective views career development as a process of vocational self-concept (i.e., self-perceived attributes relevant to work roles) implementation to achieve occupational fit and life satisfaction. It also regards development as a dynamic process across five career stages characterized by growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and disengagement (Super, 1953).

Despite its long prominence in careers research, the vocational development theory (i.e., life-span, life-space theory; Super, 1980) is not without limitations. Its view of careers as a linear movement from one stable condition to another is no longer congruent with current patterns of work characterized to be unpredictable, mobile, and boundaryless (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996). Furthermore, it focused heavily on career maturity (i.e., early career choice readiness) and did not feature an organizing construct that also accounts for the constant adjustment confronting working adults (Savickas, 1997). The central concept of career maturity is relevant to a stable career environment, where an individual could implement a career choice and develop securely. However, planning a steady course on a stable career path is no longer valid in today’s fast-evolving work environment.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Career Control: Refers to the control over one’s vocational future in terms of decision making, assertiveness, locus of control, autonomy, and self-determination.

Career Construction: Refers to how individuals acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities based on their self-concept and social realities.

Career Concern: Refers to concern about one’s vocational future in terms of time perception, anticipation, and orientation.

Career Confidence: Refers to the strength and tenacity to pursue a career.

Career: The individually perceived sequence of attitudes, behaviors, and patterns associated with work-related experiences and activities that span the course of a person’s life.

Career Curiosity: Refers to inquisitiveness to explore the fit and possibilities between self and work, information-seeking, and self-knowledge.

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