Prospect of Smart Tourism Destination in Bangladesh

Prospect of Smart Tourism Destination in Bangladesh

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2137-9.ch009
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The ongoing expansion of the tourism sector in Bangladesh has created opportunities for future development through the adoption of smart tourism destinations. The notion of smart tourism destinations encompasses incorporating every facet of a tourist's experience, including planning activities. By adopting this particular strategy, Bangladesh can cultivate a tourism industry characterized by enhanced cohesion and effectiveness, thereby augmenting the overall experience for both local and international tourists. This article emphasizes several vital aspects of smart destinations, such as heightened financial gains, enhanced tourism infrastructure, and bolstered sustainability efforts. Furthermore, this paper also addresses the difficulties associated with implementing the proposed approach. It explores potential strategies to overcome these challenges. The concept of smart tourism destinations in Bangladesh offers significant potential for growth and development in the tourism industry.
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Current Situation Of Tourism In Bangladesh

The tourism industry in Bangladesh has experienced gradual growth over time, primarily due to its attractive beaches, rich cultural heritage, and abundant natural resources, such as the Sundarbans, which is recognized as the world's largest mangrove forest (Alauddin et al., 2014). Nevertheless, the untapped potential of tourism in terms of its substantial contribution to the nation's economy remains unrealized. Despite certain advancements in infrastructure, such as the enhancement of road and air connectivity, there remains a need for the country to focus on enhancing its overall tourist facilities to attract a more significant number of visitors effectively (Christie et al., 2013). To guarantee the safety of tourists, it is imperative to address and resolve safety and security concerns. The government has recently implemented various measures to foster tourism, such as creating a distinct tourism board and developing multiple national zones. However, there remains a considerable distance to be covered before the tourism industry in Bangladesh can fully realize its potential.

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