Open Science in Universities: Ukrainian Experience

Open Science in Universities: Ukrainian Experience

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1726-6.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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One of the essential resources for preserving/restoring the research potential of Ukrainian universities in the conditions of the war of Russia against Ukraine and post-war recovery is the implementation of the policy of open science, which ensures improving research efficiency by reducing duplication and the costs of creating, transferring and reusing data. The relevance of implementing open science in the European Research Area is considered. The chapter analyses the documents of the European Research Area, scientific works on the development of open science in European universities, and documents related to implementing the principles of open science in Ukraine. The survey “Open Science in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine” results are presented. Academic staff of 110 Ukrainian universities (1,517 respondents) participated in the survey. The survey highlights the current use of research e-infrastructure services in Ukrainian universities and the academic community's understanding of using artificial intelligence in research.
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Theoretical research methods were used (generalization and systematization of publications, structuring, grouping, generalization, and abstraction). The source base of the study is based on the normative legal acts of Ukraine on the implementation of open science, the use of research e-infrastructures of open science, the use of Artificial Intelligence, and EU program documents that reflect the European policy on research issues. The empirical component of the study included surveying respondents with their answers to critical research questions: What services of research e-infrastructure of open science are used in higher education institutions; what are the most significant opportunities and threats of using Artificial Intelligence in scientific research in the conditions of open science?

Key Terms in this Chapter

Open Science: A framework concept that unites various movements and forms of activity aimed at making scientific knowledge open, publicly available, and practical for multiple general uses, expanding scientific cooperation and information exchange for the benefit of science and society, and opening the processes of creation, assessment, and dissemination of scientific knowledge for social subjects that are not part of the traditional scientific community.

University: A separate type of institution that is a legal entity under private or public law, operates following an issued license to conduct educational activities at certain levels of higher education, conducts scientific, scientific and technical, innovative and/or methodical activities, ensures the organization of the educational process and obtaining by persons of higher education, postgraduate education, taking into account their vocations, interests, and abilities.

Artificial Intelligence: An organized set of information technologies, with the use of which it is possible to perform complex tasks by using a system of scientific methods of research and algorithms for processing information obtained or independently created during work, as well as to create and use one's knowledge bases, decision-making models, work algorithms with information and determine ways to achieve the set tasks.

The European Research Area: A system of research programs for integrating scientific resources in the European Union.

Research E-Infrastructures: Open research infrastructures, which are components of general, virtual, and material research infrastructures necessary to support open science and serve the needs of various research communities.

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