Multicultural and Educational Challenges in the Context of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: Ghana and Kenya

Multicultural and Educational Challenges in the Context of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: Ghana and Kenya

Rose Korang-Okrah, Betty C. Tonui, Angela Anima-Korang
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7404-1.ch008
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The COVID-19 pandemic caused school closures in many countries, including Ghana and Kenya, and disrupted the normal process of education, affecting millions of students in both countries. This chapter focused on examining the impact and challenges of the school closures on educational stakeholders. Qualitative phenomenological design was employed, and participants were selected through purposive sampling and snowballing. Twelve participants, drawn from the stakeholders, participated in the guided interviews through face-to-face and phone. Results were presented in three main themes and showed the challenges confronting students, parents, and school authorities in the wake of the school closures. Recommendations from the researchers and the stakeholders are discussed.
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Key Terms in this Chapter

Social Distancing: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Health officials worldwide directed individuals to practice maintaining safe physical distances while in public spaces, as a measure to control the spread of the coronavirus. In addition, individuals were directed to wear face masks covering the nose and mouth to further reduce infections.

Ghana Learning TV: As part of initiatives towards innovative distance learning, the Ghana government rolled out a 24-hour free-to-air educational channel, available to deliver lessons to students across the country.

COVID-19: A severe and highly contagious respiratory infectious disease, caused by a type of coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2.

Senior High School: Part of an educational structure used in most West-African countries including Ghana to denote education including the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades, which are the three highest grades before college. It is also characterized by a final examination administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC). Passing this exam qualifies a student to attend tertiary institutions.

Cultural Humility: Applying self-analysis to not understand one’s perception of their own culture, but to extend that to understanding the unique identities, challenges and opportunities about another’s culture that might serve as barriers. (Applying cultural humility means that educators and policy makers must become aware of educational disparities, intersectionality of poverty and education and attempt to implement culturally responsive educational platforms that are inclusive and achievable for all students across the many diverse demographics).

Pandemic: An infectious disease with widespread infections across multiple locations, usually over different continents simultaneously over a period of time.

Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC): Curriculum with a focus on the observed outcomes of educational processes (instruction and learning process). Particular attention is given to skills-based outcomes.

Ghana Learning Radio: Similar to the Learning TV, this radio reading program was part of the initiative to advance distance learning in Ghana. It was aimed at improving reading in eleven Ghanaian languages and English for Kindergarten to 4th grade students.

Multicultural Education: The approach to providing equitable access to education to all, regardless of background. This takes into consideration the diverse backgrounds of students and allows educators and stakeholders to design educational approaches in the interest of all students.

Junior High School: Denotes the pre-secondary education for 7th, 8th, and 9th grades, before students enter Senior High School. This is characterized by a national final exam, administered by the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE). Passing this exam qualifies a student to attend Senior High School.

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