Mining Minds Sentiment Analysis of Public Perception and Awareness on Climate Change for Environmental Sustainability

Mining Minds Sentiment Analysis of Public Perception and Awareness on Climate Change for Environmental Sustainability

Yamijala Suryanarayana Murthy, Fazla Rabby, Amita Gandhi, Rohit Bansal
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7230-2.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Understanding public views and consciousness of climate change is crucial for environmental sustainability amid worsening climatic difficulties. This analysis investigates how emotion analysis can extract and assess gigantic amounts of written data from social networking, news outlets, and other general forums. This examination looks to comprehend general assessment by surveying singular sentiments to find significant patterns and issues that shape the climate change story. This feeling investigation will notify social commitment and natural support estimates. This system demonstrates how progressed explanatory strategies can be connected to natural research to enhance general understanding of maintainability. Furthermore, this examination proposes that broad sentiment examination of online networks can deliver important insights regarding evolving crowds and worries. Additionally, this sentiment-based methodology recommends new pathways for public-private joint efforts to advance maintainable advances through improved connecting with rising populace sections.
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