Living Into Our Shared Commitments: Creating Professional Learning Communities to Address Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Living Into Our Shared Commitments: Creating Professional Learning Communities to Address Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Amy Arnold, Lisa Farley, Ryan Flessner, Chasadee Minton, Brandie Oliver, Mindy Welch, Felicia Williams
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7270-5.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter highlights the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Fellowship Program in the College of Education at Butler University. The chapter examines the work of the fellows as they led professional learning communities (PLCs) focused on DEI related topics. Data include written reflections produced by the fellows as well as survey responses from colleagues who took part in the PLCs. The chapter captures individual stories of the authors as well as a collective story that examines the implementation of the professional learning communities. Successes are captured, and areas for growth are explored.
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We understand that positionality matters (Milner, 2007). Regardless of institutional efforts to diversify, Butler University remains a predominantly white institution (Butler University, 2022). As we work to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion continue to evolve on our campus, we acknowledge the lack of diversity at our university and, thus, within our own writing group. Taking this into account, we have attempted to include a multitude of voices in constructing this chapter.

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