“Is It a Machine Influencing Me?”: An Analysis on Hyper-Realistic AI Influencers

“Is It a Machine Influencing Me?”: An Analysis on Hyper-Realistic AI Influencers

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2754-8.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Influencer marketing has been one of the most widely used applications in the field of marketing in recent years. This chapter examines how hyper-realistic influencers are used in the field of marketing communication and how they interact with users on social media platforms. Within the scope of this research, different hyper-realistic AI ınfluencers various advertising agencies have recently put forward and offered to the service of brands were identified and subjected to content analysis based on their follower numbers and interactions together with an analysis, from various perpecrives, of the way these AI-supported influencers present themselves and their social media posts. According to the results of the research, hyper-realistic AI influencers act with a specific purpose and structure their accounts in accordance with their followers' expectations. Ensuring consistency between the language they use and the tone of their posts, hyper-realistic AI influencers prioritize the need to establish a strong and dynamic communication with their followers as reflected by their posts.
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Certain developments in human history have led to important turning points. Many developments such as the transition to settled life and agricultural production, the invention of writing, geographical discoveries, various revolutions, popular movements, war and peace have shaped social life while changing the lives of ordinary people considerably. Each change has been the result of a substantial process while being the cause of another, providing a dialectical and fluid continuity. Technological developments are one of the important triggers of change in human history within this dialectical process. Beginning in the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution increased the importance of science and technology in life and opened the doors to the information age. The widespread use of computers along with the internet has had profound effects on communication, information flow and social structures followed by a high level of human-machine interaction. Through a rapid development in recent years yet at the disposal of human intelligence, artificial intelligence technologies have helped human life by means of various technological equipment that has qualities similar to human intelligence.

Today, artificial intelligence technologies have a considerably increasing influence on many fields ranging from health and law to public administration and education. One of these impact areas of artificial intelligence is marketing and marketing communication. In this field, many artificial intelligence-based applications have been effectively used in processes such as production, distribution, pricing, and promotion.

Artificial intelligence technologies are specifically being utilized in marketing communication by means of identifying target audience expectations and producing content for marketing communication tools like advertising and public relations. With the integration of artificial intelligence-based applications into the field of marketing communication, tasks such as design and visual and written content production, which used to be arduous and long processes, are being accomplished in a notably lesser span of time.

Artificial intelligence applications used in today's marketing communications are generally classified into four categories: vision, language, discovery, and prediction-decision. The effective use of artificial intelligence in marketing communication increases operational efficiency, improves customer relations, optimizes marketing expenditures, and increases sales (Keleş, Keleş & Akçetin, 2017). In this context, many applications in these four categories can support brands in marketing communication process.

Intelligent digital assets are digital items that are created using artificial intelligence technology. Such entities are programmed via the use of artificial intelligence algorithms that can make faster and more accurate decisions than humans, have a high degree of learning ability, and can work with large amounts of data. Voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, virtual assistants like Microsoft Teams and Slack, and some automatic translation systems are various examples of smart digital assets (Sarı, 2023). Brands in the field of marketing communication have recently employed a large number of influencers who carry out communication practises with artificial intelligence technologies. Artificial intelligence-based influencers managed by artificial intelligence software are also widely exploited. It is in this context that smart digital assets have been added brand new dimensions with the influencer mission.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Influencer Marketing: It is a new marketing method used to convey brands' messages to consumers by using the dynamic structure of social media.

Hyper-Realistic Human Virtual Influencers: It is the type of artificial intelligence-based influencer created with CGI technology and most similar to humans.

Artificial Intelligence-Based Influencer (Virtual Influencer): These are influencers created with the help of artificial intelligence in order to reach a brand's consumers and promote the brand. Artificial intelligence-based digital influencers are designed using many software such as animation, simulation, 3D design, and CGI technology.

Unrealistic Human Virtual Influencers: These are virtual influencers that look like humans but are clearly animations or drawings (cartoon characters).

Hyper-Realistic Non-Human Virtual Influencers: These types of influencers are in the form of animals, various creatures, or beings that do not exist in the physical world.

Unrealistic Non-Human Virtual Influencers: These types of influencers are designed as animals, unrealistic beings, or objects given human characteristics (for example, talking slippers).

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