Integrating Leadership Styles to Assess Positive Resilient Leaders: Positive Leadership Questionnaire

Integrating Leadership Styles to Assess Positive Resilient Leaders: Positive Leadership Questionnaire

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1802-7.ch013
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This chapter presents a new assessment tool the Positive Leadership Questionnaire (PLQ), examining a positive leadership style based on integration of transformational, authentic, servant, spiritual, and ethical leadership styles and facilitated by meditation. Thematic analysis of reflections collected from semi-structured and longitudinal interviews revealed that the integrated version of positive leadership style roots in meditation and resilience is an interspersed characteristic in it. PLQ assesses the integrated version of the positive leadership style. It is an original contribution. PLQ examines the positivity of people-managers measuring positive leadership in a wholesome manner compared to the current positive leadership style bridging the gap lying in the deficiencies of current assessment tools. The future pathway lies in studying the strength and robustness of this assessment tool to counter the research limitation of the small number of participants in this study. The application of PLQ objectifies the productive use of mind training and wellbeing programs in organizations.
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Positive leadership includes the attributes of positive psychology, and resilience is one of them (Luthar et al., 2014). In the context of organizations’ long-term sustenance while striving to maintain productivity and minimizing harmful outcomes for employees, in the background of a disruptive world environment (World Health Organization (WHO), 2017, 2019), the emphasis on positivity and the need for positive leadership becomes essential.

Certain people exhibit positive leadership by demonstrating these attributes (Cameron, 2008). Those who exhibit positive leadership also exhibit well-being (Kelloway, et al., 2012). Positivity and wellbeing are also observed in those who regularly practice meditation (Goleman & Davidson, 2018). When these practitioners of meditation are in an influential role, they create a ripple effect of wellbeing and positivity in their teams and employees. indicating positive leadership (Kelloway, et al., 2012). Studies on various leadership styles exhibit that certain styles overlap positive attributes and share a significant affinity (Blanch, et al., 2016). This leadership style that culminates from the overlap of positive attributes can be accepted as positive leadership style (Cameron, 2013).

Focus of the Chapter

The focus of this chapter is to present a tool for measuring positive leadership. Positive leadership is an accumulation of certain attributes (Cameron, 2008). Cameron (2012) sets out these attributes as (1) helping others to flourish without any expectations, (2) problem solvers, (3) notice opportunities, (4) providing inspiration and meaning, (5) trusting and being trustworthy, (6) expressing gratitude and humility, (7) instilling confidence and self-efficacy, (8) being pleasing to look at with a smiling appearance, (9) being genuine and authentic, (10) expecting high standards, (11) able to forgive weakness and (12) provide support even in absence.

The rationale for developing a revised assessment tool for positive leadership is the wholesomeness of the proposed tool and the integrated nature of positive leadership style. Ensuing the study by Kelloway et al. (2012), an assessment tool - Positive Leadership Questionnaire (PLQ) is presented, as the tool to assess the integrated nature of positive leadership style which is the outcome of an examination on the relationship between the integration of transformational, authentic, servant, spiritual and ethical leadership styles with meditation. This empirical study explains and describes the creation of PLQ in the chapter. Firstly, how elements of meditation and positive leadership including resilience relate and was applied in the study is presented. Secondly the development of the tool is explained, thirdly the discussion on testing PLQ, followed by comparison of PLQ with other positive leadership measures and lastly the future direction of study.



The main constructs in this empirical study included practice of meditation, leadership styles and resilience. The forms of meditation included in this study were mindfulness meditation (Kabat-Zinn 1990), Transcendental Meditation™ (Yogi, 1977), Zen meditation (Thich, 1998), focused breathing (Kabat-Zinn, 2013), and Vipassana (Goenka, 2000). The types of leadership styles that were integrated are – transformational leadership style (Bass & Avolio, 1993), authentic leadership style (Avolio & Gardner, 2005), servant leadership style (Greenleaf, 1977), spiritual leadership style (Fry, 2003) and ethical leadership style (Brown & Trevino, 2006). Resilience (Masten, 2001) is the construct which literature review revealed as a connecting thread between meditation and the five leadership styles.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Meditation: A practice followed to train the mind to develop attention, focus and concentration. There are many forms of meditation practices. All forms of meditation practices are based on attention, concentration, and focus. It is a profound and extended contemplation or reflection in order to achieve focused attention or altered state of consciousness and to gain insight into oneself and the world. Traditionally associated with spiritual and religious exercises, meditation is now also used to provide relaxation and relief from stress; treat physiological symptoms and promote overall health and well-being.

Self-Awareness: The ability to accurately comprehend one’s emotional, mental and physical situation through behaviors, as a response, to internal and external stimuli.

Self-Regulation: The ability of an individual to manage, control, evaluate, monitor, and reinforce emotional, mental and physical situations through behaviors.

Focus: One of the three characteristics of practicing meditation. It is exhibited by the mind’s ability to direct and sustain attention without any distractions. It is the quality of attention

Concentration: One of the three characteristics of practicing meditation. It is exhibited by the ability of the mind to apply attention and focus. It is the act of bringing together or focusing.

Leadership Development: The trainings and /or assessments that are applied on an individual to develop a collection of attributes reflecting a leader of a certain style. There are various types of leadership styles.

Positive Psychology: A branch of psychology which is focused on the character strengths and behaviors that allow individuals to build a life of meaning and purpose. Its objective is to move beyond surviving to flourishing.

Attention: One of the three characteristics of practicing meditation. It is exhibited by the ability of the mind to attend over a span of time. It is a state in which cognitive resources are focused on certain aspects of the environment rather than on others.

Assessment Tools: Instruments are any test, interview, questionnaire, or other tool for the evaluation of ability, achievement, interests, and personality.

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