Information Literacy Module: A Case Study at the International School Library in Malaysia

Information Literacy Module: A Case Study at the International School Library in Malaysia

Mayasari Abdul Majid, Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8942-7.ch006
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The school library is recognized as an information center for learning, staffed by certified and professional school librarians, that collaborates with educators. This International School, known as IS1, offers library lesson periods for their primary and secondary students starting from January 2021 to assist and guide students equipping themselves with information literacy skills in supporting their academic purposes. The five information literacy modules were developed, namely Information Resources, OPAC & WEBPath Express (School Databases), Online Information Resources, Citation & References, and Basic Research Steps. After completing the information literacy modules, researchers interview the subject teachers about the perception of the implementation of the information literacy module with the students. Findings show that the implementation of the IL module was a good initiative to collaborate with school librarians to produce self-guided learning to boost student motivation and achievement.
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The increased use of information technology and communication (ICT) in 21st-century educational settings necessitates students becoming more independent learners. Most students nowadays too much rely on the Internet to seek information for their academic purposes. However, Shuhidan et al. (2019) found that students seem to be competent in ICT but still lack information literacy. Due to that, the role of the School Library has become essential as according to International Federation Library Associations (IFLA), 2015, school libraries should provide resource-based capabilities, thinking-based capabilities, knowledge-based capabilities, reading and literacy skills, personal, interpersonal capabilities, and learning management capabilities. Based on IFLA Manifesto 2021, school library ….” focus on student growth by providing equitable access for learning experiences, resources, and learning spaces that enable all members of the school community to become engaged critical thinkers, practical readers, and responsible users, evaluators, and creators of information in multiple formats”. In Malaysia, School Library, also known as the School resource center (SRC) that can be defined as a center of access to information that contains a variety of systematic, non-print, electronic and digital resources that are systematically managed to support the teaching and learning quality (Education Resource Technology Division (ERTD, 2017).

As for the date of 31 July 2020, based on Statistical Department Malaysia, there are 10220 schools in Malaysia. It is a must for every School to have SRC, including the International School Division. The Ministry of Education manages all SRC under the Educational Resources & Technology Division (ERTD) that work together and under its school management's responsibility. RTD is responsible for managing and providing guidelines of SRC to all schools in Malaysia. Currently, ERTD has developed SRC guideline 2017, covering four main areas: management and administration, materials organization, reading, and information literacy. Apart from that, there are descriptive guidelines on Library and Media Teachers. One of the main agendas of SRC is to act as a catalyst for students' self-learning by boosting reading materials in a variety of formats, including printed and non-printed. Various resources improve information-seeking skills, which can help create a welcoming environment while also encouraging students to use good reference techniques. Students can practice lifelong learning by mastering information-seeking abilities that will prepare them for the learning process and allow them to compete in the real-world workplace in the future (ERTD, 2017). SRC is the center of information and research databases to stimulate the education of the masses. Its responsibility is to assist new students in preparing for new learning, provide data and information, assist students in obtaining knowledge promptly, and provide access to updated information and various collections (Ismail et al., 2013).

Aligned with the demand of the 21st learning, the School Librarians from this international School proposed the module of Information Literacy to support teaching and learning in the school environment. This Information Literacy module provides School Librarians to conduct Library Lessons for Year Two up to Year Nine and as the term of references with examples of assessments related to information literacy skills in all subjects to all teachers in supporting their teaching. This School offered Library Lesson periods for their Primary and Secondary students.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Higher-order thinking: The ability to think on a level above memorizing information or repeating what has been said.

Information Literacy Skills: The ability to find, evaluate and use reliable, accurate and latest information with academic integrity.

Student Motivation: Student motivation is defined as the ability to attain long- or short-term academic objectives. It also manifests as enthusiasm and a good attitude toward the learning process.

School Librarian: The professional and certified librarian who works at the schools who responded to provide, facilitate, and organize various information resources for the school community also train them to be information literate.

School Libraries: School libraries offer learning services and resources to the school community in order to transform them to be a critical thinker and effective users for all format of the school library resources.

Student Achievement: Higher-order thinking exercises are aligned with student projects including information literacy courses, resulting in consistency and improved student achievement.

Information Literacy Module: A set of modules to assist school librarians to deliver the Library Lessons.

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