Implications of 5G Technology in Marketing: A Systematic Review of the Bibliometric Literature

Implications of 5G Technology in Marketing: A Systematic Review of the Bibliometric Literature

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5523-4.ch001
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This new competitive environment has generated numerous technological advances that also reflect the change in mobile technology in consumer behavior. 5G envisions being a disruptive technology that enables change and new services, enabling the expansion of connectivity and speed to never-before-seen levels, powered video streaming, IoT services, making cities smarter, automating the flow between people and objects, and creating new omnichannel ecosystems. Thus, it is a very promising marketing tool. Research on the subject is scarce, and this study intends to carry out a systematic review of bibliometric literature (LRSB) of scientific and/or academic documents indexed in Scopus, with the keywords “5G” and “Marketing” with the aim of deepen knowledge and understand the practical implications, as well as lines of future research.
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Methodological Approach

The researcher adopted a systematic review of the bibliometric literature (LRSB) as a research framework focusing on peer-reviewed sources indexed in Scopus. However, we must consider that the scope is insufficient due to the definition of the investigation question and the study rules. Most of the time in studies, questions reformulate alternatives that are not answered by the main question. Despite involving the collection of data from the existing literature, an LRSB review is considered an original work (Raimundo & Rosário, 2021; Rosário, 2021; Rosário et al., 2021, Rosário & Dias, 2022). The methodology used can build knowledge about the implications of 5G technology in marketing, its objectives, providing knowledge for making strategic decisions in its adoption. The use of the LRSB review process is divided into 3 phases and 6 steps (Table 1), as proposed by Rosário (2021), Raimundo and Rosário, (2021), Rosário et al., (2021), Rosario and Dias (2022).

Table 1.
Process of systematic LRSB. Source: Author.
ExplorationStep 1formulating the research problem
Step 2searching for appropriate literature
Step 3critical appraisal of the selected studies
Step 4data synthesis from individual sources
InterpretationStep 5reporting findings and recommendations
CommunicatioStep 6Presentation of the LRSB report

Key Terms in this Chapter

Virtual Reality: Interface between a user and an operating system through 3D graphics or 360º images whose objective is to create the sensation of presence in a virtual environment different from the real one.

Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is a colloquial term for the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active user management.

SWOT: Is a tool used to perform analysis of scenarios (or environments), as a basis for management and strategic planning of a corporation or company.

Brand Loyalty: Describes the consumer's positive feelings towards a brand and their dedication to buying the brand's products and/or services repeatedly.

5G: Fifth-generation technology standard for mobile and broadband networks.

Internet of Things (IoT): Concept referring to the digital interconnection of everyday objects with the internet, connecting objects rather than people.

Big Data: Area of knowledge that studies how to treat, analyze and obtain information from data sets that are too large to be analyzed by traditional systems.

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