Green Marketing Applications in Hospitality Businesses

Green Marketing Applications in Hospitality Businesses

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6796-1.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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Industrial activities significantly affect the environment, which makes environmental sensitivity one of the most critical issues in the national and international arenas. As in other areas, the green approaches adopted in the tourism sector aim to reduce the negative environmental impact. The current study discussed the meaning of green marketing practices for hospitality businesses, the green marketing practices adopted by these businesses, and the results. In addition, the study presented a holistic perspective by presenting examples from hospitality businesses and gave general information about the green marketing concept, its scope, the reasons to turn to green marketing, and the benefits of such practices. In the study, which deals with the elements of the green marketing mix in hospitality businesses and touches on the examples of green hotels, green marketing practices were evaluated in the tourism sector.
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Concept And Scope Of Green Marketing

The emergence of social marketing in the 1970s changed the scope of the traditional marketing concept. Along with the increasing environmental issues since the 1990s, consumer interests and concerns about the environment have increased (Kaya, 2009; Sert, 2017). The increase in environmental concerns and the expectations of consumers from businesses have been influential in developing environmental awareness and sensitivity in the 2000s. With the developing environmental awareness, various strategies, rules, and regulations have become widespread in the national and international arena to reduce environmental problems, minimize the use of natural resources and increase clean technology applications (Giraldo & Castro, 2014). Increasing sensitivity to environmental issues, covering unconscious natural resource use and global climate change, has improved the environmentalist understanding in marketing as in many other areas (Kocagöz, 2011). Thus, the green marketing approach, which emphasizes environmental awareness against environmental problems, has emerged.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Green Hotel: Businesses having solid and liquid waste management systems, giving importance to recycling and reusing, saving water and energy, and attaching importance to protecting biological diversity.

Green Promotion: The activities carried out to provide consumers with accurate information about the environmental characteristics of the business and the product, to raise awareness of the consumers, to remind them of the green product advantages, and to generate an environmentally friendly business impression.

Sustainable Tourism: An approach that aims to meet the needs of tourists, the tourism industry, and local communities without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Marketing Mix: All the marketing tools of a company to pursue its objectives in the core market.

Green Price: Adding all extra costs of green marketing activities to the product price.

Green Place: Healthy and environmentalist distribution channels in the marketing and transportation stages of the product.

Green Marketing: Environmentally sensitive marketing activities, policies, and procedures in generating profits and achieving objectives.

Sustainability: Meeting the needs of the present generation without destroying the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Green Technology: Technologies that take care of the sustainability of natural resources at every stage from production to usage processes and also support the healthy existence of natural life.

Green Product: The products contribute to the natural environment protection by saving energy and resource.

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