Exploring Challenges of Online STEM Education Pedagogy and Practice in the MENA Region: Literature Review

Exploring Challenges of Online STEM Education Pedagogy and Practice in the MENA Region: Literature Review

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6883-8.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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With the increased need for technology implementation, educational systems across the world have made various efforts to utilize technology to optimize learning efficacy. With regard to the MENA region, many reforms have been administered in order to effectively digitize education. Pedagogical aspects remain in great need of further investigation. Thus, through a conceptual review of applied pedagogical strategies, this chapter aims to explore issues related to such implementation in the MENA region. As pedagogy varies according to age, teaching environment, and subject, the author aims to explore the theory and practice of Mathematics teaching in online environments. The educational policy also diverges from one country to another, especially in terms of STEM education. The present study is based on a focus on the MENA region context which allows for a better understanding and development of STEM education. Moreover, this review provides issues and challenges to consider for future research and proposes pedagogical modifications to suit the online teaching environments.
Chapter Preview

Main Focus Of The Chapter

This chapter aims to provide insights into challenges concerning online STEM education in the MENA region, specifically in the Moroccan context, and aims to add to the representations in this book. Additionally, such discussions will entice researchers and practitioners in the field of education to consider constructing e-pedagogies that can increase the efficacy of e-learning technologies. On a more specific level, it will help Moroccan Mathematics teachers to consider modifying the implemented methods in order to suit online environments. Thus, the following objectives are set:

  • 1.

    To provide a conceptual analysis of e-learning, andragogy, and pedagogy.

  • 2.

    To explore the impact of e-learning on andragogy in terms of math teaching.


Issues, Controversies, Problems

Educational policy refers to “a rationale, a set of goals, and a vision for how education systems might [work] with the introduction of ICT and how students, teachers, parents, and the general population might benefit from its use in schools” (Kozma, 2008, p. 1084). With the rise of technology use across various fields, most developed countries have administered somewhat of a smooth transition to the virtual. Developing countries, on the other hand, lag behind due to various issues, especially those struggling with political conflict.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Semiotic Representation: This is, in the context of Mathematics, the representation of abstract concept into symbols.

Pedagogy: This refers to the theory and practice of teaching. It combines learning theories, teaching approaches and strategies.

E-Learning: This entails any formal or informal learning conducted on an online platform.

Stem Education: It is commonly known that STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math. However, STEM education is not only learning such subject separately, but it can also be viewed as an approach of building and applying knowledge.

Didactics: A field of study that focuses on the knowledge and skill of teaching. It provides the theoretical background pertaining to teaching a particular subject. Didactics focuses more on teachers’ skill and knowledge rather than students’ learning strategies and approaches.

Behavioral Intention: Constitutes of the factors relating to the intent of performing a particular behavior. The measurement of this variable allows for the prediction of the likelihood of the behavior in question occurring.

Active Learning: This refers to the learning process in which the learner has agency. In other words, the learner has more control and is more engaged in his/her learning journey.

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