Education in Prosthetics and Orthotics: The Core of Active Teaching Methodologies

Education in Prosthetics and Orthotics: The Core of Active Teaching Methodologies

Adriana Isabel Rodrigues González Cavaco, João Miguel Quintino Guerreiro
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9578-7.ch016
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The study and manufacturing of prostheses and orthotics have been developed over the years based on the need to enable people with disabilities. The International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics has stimulated technology improvement, scientific meetings, P&O curriculum program recognition. The P&O B.Sc. degree at the University of the Algarve has four academic years structured with a logical gradual increase in the acquisition of general and specific skills, through different teaching methods. The first two years are dedicated to general content with expositive methodologies. The syllabus more related with the specific formation areas is developed in the third academic year, where the autonomy of the students is stimulated, and the main teaching methods focus on active strategies. The fourth year is entirely dedicated to clinical practice, which promotes the autonomy of students in professional environment. Throughout the academic course, applied research is also encouraged and valued as a way of integrating knowledge from different areas.
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The study and manufacture of prosthetics and orthotics has been developed over the years, based on the need to make able people with disabilities. Physical and rehabilitation medicine treatments were established previously to World War II. However, because of World War II, health staff started using new techniques and practices with the goal to rehabilitate a person’s functionality after an injury or an illness. This chapter intends to underline the importance of prosthetics & orthotics since World War II, in the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine and the importance of education, applied research and curriculum improvement in the development of Prosthetics and Orthotics as a career.

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