E-Learning Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions: Trends and Practices

E-Learning Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions: Trends and Practices

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1536-1.ch001
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The systematic use of technologies in order to orchestrate learning has become widely used in the past years. Diverse technologies have been applied in a variety of teaching practices: for instance, learning tools that allow you to flip the classroom or monitor other active learning practices. E-learning is learning through the use of technology. It is growing at a rapid pace. Today more organizations are taking up e-learning. While e-learning technology has matured considerably since its inception, there are still many problems that practitioners face when implementing e-learning. This chapter aims to discuss the current challenges and future implications of e-learning systems and how an e-learning ecosystem can help higher education institutions on a large scale. The university is regarded as a center of such an ecosystem due to skilled knowledge providers and technical equipment availability. The ICT tools are very actively used in these initiatives aiming to develop highly demanded skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and complex problem solving.
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Worldwide, science is regarded as the “engine of prosperity” on a global scale attests to its significance in fostering economic expansion. A “prosperous country based on inclusive growth and sustainable development” goal can only be realised with a populace that is innovative, scientifically and technologically literate, and well-educated. The modern world emphasizes that “quality higher education needs excellence in science and technology, just as quality science and technology needs excellent higher education,” acknowledging the critical role that science and technology play in social development, economic growth, and global competitiveness. Education is becoming increasingly important to the development of any nation. With the development of the internet, it is becoming easy to educate students in different geographical regions of the country where is it very difficult to reach. The E-Learning concept has been developed and need for e-learning has been rising year over year, the Internet and technology’s rapid development have encouraged the education industry to embrace Internet-based learning resources from primary to higher education.In this context, the term “e-learning” refers to an educational concept that uses gadgets and digital technology to facilitate learning materials distribution and distance learning (A. Suzianti, 2021, L. Yekefallah, 2021; Singh, 2022). One of the most lucrative and promising industries that is most affected by the adoption of technology is the education sector, owing to its enhanced ability to provide high-quality teaching. However, the e-learning environment is impacted by the degree of e-learning advantage. In order to support students' higher levels of information acquisition and boost student performance, universities and colleges need to foster a collaborative learning environment (N. Hernandez-Sellés, 2019). The rise of e-learning mechanisms in higher education institutions has resulted in significant changes to education platforms, with a greater focus now being placed on students rather than lecturers (A. Valencia-Arias, 2019). Many universities have adopted e-learning as a cutting-edge approach to instruction. In the meantime, there is an increasing need for e-learning programmes to support the diverse range of learners that these programs are catering to (K.D. Rajab, 2018; Singh, 2022). Reducing classroom constraints and increasing opportunities for student-to-student communication are two benefits of integrating information technology into teaching and learning, which leads to more effective learning (F. Yang, 2022; Singh, 2022). E-learning allows students to participate in the educational process through a virtual environment rather than face-to-face communication. Several advantages of e-learning systems include easy access to content, effortless team collaboration, and on-time mutual discussions without regard for time and space constraints for interactions between student and professor. Despite the many benefits of e-learning systems, the transformation of the educational style raises a number of issues that may have a significant impact on the culture and ongoing needs for technical skill development of both students and educators. E-learning success, in particular, is dependent on users' perceptions, knowledge, and skills in utilising information and communication technology (ICT) tools. The evaluation of scholastic advancement is a basic educational program part and holds criticalsignificance in the educating and educational experience. Scholarly assessment fills in for of recognizing the satisfied and unfulfilled necessities of a specific program. It is an essential device in estimating an understudy's headway toward finishing their certificate. The presentation of mechanical progressions in training has achieved different specialized difficulties in regards to the creation, execution, and appraisal of electronic assessments, for example, similarity issues with various gadgets and availability issues (Ahmed & Aoku, 2022; Singh, 2022).

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