Designing a User-Centered Mobile Phone: The Quality Function Deployment Approach

Designing a User-Centered Mobile Phone: The Quality Function Deployment Approach

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3033-3.ch008
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In this study, the QFD approach is used to convert customer requirements into design features for a better mobile phone design. An online survey is conducted with the users to determine their needs. Afterward, technical requirements were identified to meet customer requirements. The relationship between customer requirements and technical requirements is developed to identify the most critical phases. The relationship matrix is then converted into the house of quality (HOQ) matrix. For the analysis part, Apple, Samsung, and Huawei mobile phones are benchmarked, and each step of the QFD is applied to reach a user-centered design for the customers. The results showed that processor and connectivity are the most important factors among the ten different technical features.
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Koswara and Alifin (2024) aimed to develop a distinguished approach for designing user interfaces (UI) for CRM systems that align closely with user needs and specifications. Primary data is gathered through direct observation and questionnaires within an IT company to assess and define user requirements and expectations. By integrating Design Thinking and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methodologies, this study aims to innovate and tailor UI design methods specifically for CRM systems, thereby enhancing the user experience. The research findings demonstrate enhancements in user experience resulting from a user-centric approach to UI design.

Key Terms in this Chapter

User-Centered Design: It is a design process that places paramount importance on the requirements, desires, and actions of end-users from inception to completion.

House of Quality: It is a significant part of the QFD including the “whats” part which refers to customer requirements and “hows” refers to technical requirements.

Mobile Phone: It is known as a cellphone or simply a phone, is a compact electronic device primarily created for long-distance telecommunications.

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