Constitutional Knowledge, Rights-Based Development, and Citizenship in Zimbabwe: Past, Present, and Future

Constitutional Knowledge, Rights-Based Development, and Citizenship in Zimbabwe: Past, Present, and Future

Innocent Chirisa, Emma Maphosa, Abraham Rajab Matamanda, Wendy Wadzanayi Mandaza-Tsoriyo, Kudzai Chatiza
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8350-9.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter seeks to assess the trends in rights-based development (RBD) and citizenship in Zimbabwe based on constitutional knowledge to proffer options on how the public can become constitutionally knowledgeable towards developing the nation. The chapter is informed by constitutional knowledge gathered through qualitative data from document analysis and literature on this discourse. The chapter first discusses the provisions of RBD and citizenship in Zimbabwe in light of the constitution. It assesses the trends in RBD and citizenship in Zimbabwe past, present, and the future to analyze the trends in the changes in the development of the nation, based on constitutional knowledge. Lastly, it proffers policy options on ways to nurture constitutionally knowledgeable citizenry.
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The research follows a qualitative research approach. This approach provides a better understanding of the constitution-making and trends in rights based development. This study employs a case study of Zimbabwe. Secondary data sources such as textbooks, government reports, journals were the main sources of data. The data was analyzed based on themes emerging from the data- thematic analysis.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Citizen: A natural person entitled to the human rights and freedoms under the constitution.

Citizenship: The act of being a citizen which is acquired by birth, descent, or registration.

RBD: Development that focus on human empowerment by providing the basic human rights and freedom or addressing policy concerns in these areas.

Rights: Claims or entitlement to which every juristic person is entitled to by virtue of being a citizen.

Constitution: The supreme law from which all other laws are made.

Empowerment: Building the capacity of citizens to determine and manage their own development usually through skills development.

Zimbabwe: A former colony of the British located in Southern Africa.

Knowledge: The skill or know how.

Citizen participation: The active engagement of citizens in development where they are empowered to own and control the development process.

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