Cloud Solutions for Smart Parking and Traffic Control in Smart Cities

Cloud Solutions for Smart Parking and Traffic Control in Smart Cities

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9999-3.ch008
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Urban mobility trends include 5G connectivity, autonomous vehicles, electric and sustainable modes, AI and machine learning, drones, and air mobility. These technologies enable real-time data exchange, reduce congestion, enhance safety, optimize road capacity, and optimize infrastructure planning. AI and machine learning algorithms provide accurate predictive analytics, adaptive traffic control, and personalized services. Cloud computing, IoT, and data analytics enable predictive modeling for mobility planning, traffic flow forecasting, demand forecasting, and behavioral analysis. MaaS platforms facilitate seamless integration of modes, while shared mobility services like car-sharing and ride-hailing grow, reducing private vehicle ownership and promoting efficient resource use. Mobility data transforms urban planning, infrastructure optimization, mixed-use development, and smart city integration, guiding transportation layouts, traffic signal placements, parking facilities, and neighborhood design.
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Urban mobility is a significant challenge due to rapid urbanization, population growth, and technological advancements. Cities face complex transportation systems causing congestion, pollution, and inefficient resource utilization. To address these issues and create sustainable environments, a holistic approach integrating various modes of transportation, cutting-edge technologies, and considering environmental, social, and economic impacts is being prioritized. The goal is to create an eco-friendly, accessible, and accessible network (Al Amiri et al., 2019).

Stakeholders, including governments, urban planners, and citizens, are collaborating to reimagine urban mobility through smart technologies, data analytics, and sustainable practices. Addressing challenges like congestion, pollution, and inadequate infrastructure, innovative solutions like shared mobility services, electric and autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, and MaaS are being explored (Al-Farhani et al., 2023). The paper explores the role of urban planning and policy-making in shaping the future of mobility, emphasizing the importance of integrated development, transit-oriented design, and sustainable transportation policies. It also highlights the potential societal benefits of improved urban mobility, including reduced pollution, improved public health, and increased economic productivity (Al-Turjman & Malekloo, 2019).

The transition towards enhanced urban mobility is not without its challenges. Technical, regulatory, and societal barriers must be overcome to fully realize the vision of a seamless and sustainable transportation system (Arifin et al., 2019). Smart cities, a visionary approach to address urban challenges, can transform mobility landscapes with the right strategies, collaboration, and investments. This visionary approach, amidst rapid urbanization and the proliferation of advanced technologies, offers residents a higher quality of life and a more connected future (Bock et al., 2019). At the heart of this transformation lies the integration of cloud solutions, a groundbreaking paradigm that has the potential to revolutionize urban living by enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and overall quality of life (Chandana et al., 2019).

Smart cities are transforming urban development by utilizing digital innovations to create more resilient, responsive, and connected environments. They use various data sources, including sensors, devices, social media, and online platforms, to gather real-time information on transportation, energy consumption, waste management, and public safety (Chmiel et al., 2016). This vast amount of data forms the foundation upon which cloud solutions play a pivotal role. Cloud solutions provide the technological backbone that enables smart cities to process, analyze, and derive actionable insights from this data. By leveraging cloud computing, cities can securely store and access vast volumes of information without the limitations of traditional on-site infrastructure. This scalability and flexibility are critical for managing the dynamic and ever-growing data generated by smart city initiatives (De Oliveira et al., 2020).

Cloud solutions in smart cities enhance efficiency, improve traffic management, optimize energy consumption, and streamline public services. Real-time data analysis enables better traffic management, reducing congestion and travel times. Smart traffic management systems can dynamically adjust signal timings based on traffic flow (Delgado & Calegari, 2023). Likewise, cloud-powered energy management systems can balance supply and demand to minimize wastage and promote sustainability. Another crucial aspect of cloud-driven smart cities is the improvement of citizen engagement and empowerment. Cloud-based platforms facilitate direct interaction between citizens and city authorities, enabling feedback mechanisms, information sharing, and participatory decision-making. Citizens can report issues through mobile apps, access real-time information about public services, and collaborate with local authorities to co-create solutions to urban challenges (Diran et al., 2021).

Key Terms in this Chapter

IoT: Internet of Things.

MaaS: Mobility as a Service.

EVs: Electric Vehicles.

Avs: Autonomous Vehicles.

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