Climate Change on Our Plates: Protecting Food Safety and Security in a Warming World

Climate Change on Our Plates: Protecting Food Safety and Security in a Warming World

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3555-0.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Climate change poses a significant threat to global food safety and security. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and changes in precipitation patterns create favorable conditions for foodborne pathogens, disrupt pest distributions, and alter crop yields and nutritional composition. This chapter examines the intricate interplay between these factors and emphasizes the urgency of adopting innovative agricultural practices, implementing adaptation strategies, and nurturing collaborative efforts to ensure resilient food systems.
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The complex interplay between global warming, climate change, and the intricate fabric of the food system lays the foundation for a crucial examination of food safety and security (Mbow et al., 2017). In a time characterized by unprecedented shifts in the Earth’s climate, the repercussions for our capacity to guarantee the safety and security of our food are profound and immediate. This chapter, at its essence, examines the fundamental comprehension that the stability and dependability of our food supply are intricately connected to the well-being of our planet (Feliciano, 2022). Human-induced global warming and changes in climate patterns have accompanied a new epoch where the very essence of our food system is transforming (Ginkel & Biradar, 2021). The interdependence between climate change and food security mandates meticulously exploring the hurdles and possibilities ahead. The challenges are diverse, with rising temperatures, the escalation of extreme weather events, and shifts in precipitation patterns. The agricultural landscape is undergoing modifications that directly impact the safety of our food. Immediate concerns include the proliferation of foodborne pathogens, shifts in the distribution and abundance of pests, and changes in the nutritional composition of crops (Tirado et al., 2010). However, particular challenges lie in prospects for innovation, adaptation, and resilience, such as:

Key Terms in this Chapter

Pest Distribution: How pests and insects spread across different regions, impacting crops and food losses.

Extreme Weather Events: Unusually severe weather like heatwaves, floods, droughts, and storms disrupt food production.

Climate Change: The Earth’s warming due to greenhouse gas emissions, altering weather patterns and threatening food systems.

Food Safety: Ensuring food is free from harmful bacteria, viruses, or chemicals that can cause illness.

Adaptation Strategies: Practices like using drought-resistant crops or water-efficient irrigation to cope with climate change impacts.

Food Security: Everyone has access to enough safe and nutritious food at all times.

Collaboration: Together with governments, organizations, and communities to address food security challenges.

Rising Temperatures: Increasing average global temperatures, impacting weather patterns and agricultural productivity.

Resilience: The ability of food systems to withstand and recover from shocks and stresses like climate change.

Crop Yields: The amount of food produced from a given land area, affected by climate, pests, and farming practices.

Innovative Agriculture: New technologies and practices like precision agriculture and vertical farming for sustainable food production.

Foodborne Pathogens: When consumed, microorganisms like bacteria or viruses cause foodborne illnesses.

Nutritional Composition: Food’s vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients impact human health.

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