ChatGPT in Content Creation: Techniques, Applications, and Ethical Implications

ChatGPT in Content Creation: Techniques, Applications, and Ethical Implications

Arkar Htet, Sui Reng Liana, Theingi Aung, Amiya Bhaumik
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0502-7.ch003
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This book chapter delves into the transformative role of ChatGPT in content creation, exploring its underlying techniques, diverse applications, and associated ethical implications. The investigation spans several industries including journalism, marketing, and entertainment, demonstrating the model's adaptability and power. This comprehensive analysis not only spotlights the challenges inherent in implementing ChatGPT, but also illuminates the unique opportunities it presents. By offering a thorough examination of the current state of ChatGPT in content creation and potential future developments, this chapter contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding AI's impact on content creation.
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The transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) has begun to reshape numerous industries, and the realm of content creation is no exception (Yan, 2019). AI's capacity to generate innovative, engaging, and high-quality content has sparked a paradigm shift in how content is created, consumed, and distributed (Lee, K.J., Kwon, J.W., Min,S., & Yoon,J., 2021).

Central to this shift is the emergence of natural language processing (NLP), a subset of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. The rise of NLP has led to the development of sophisticated language models capable of understanding, generating, and even translating human language in ways that were once unimaginable (Luitse, D., & Denkena, W., 2021).

A leading figure in this new landscape is the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT), specifically, ChatGPT. ChatGPT leverages the power of machine learning and NLP to produce human-like text that is not only contextually relevant but also creatively rich, marking a significant advance in content creation capabilities (Jagdishbhai, N., & Thakkar, K. Y., 2023).

This chapter explores the profound implications of this AI model for content creation across various industries. The motivation for this investigation lies in ChatGPT's transformative potential: its capacity to revolutionize established processes, create new opportunities, and pose new challenges. By exploring these dimensions, we aim to foster a nuanced understanding of the role and impact of AI, and specifically ChatGPT, in modern content creation.

In terms of methodology, a systematic review of existing literature on ChatGPT, AI, and content creation will be conducted, drawing from academic databases, conference proceedings, and reputable online sources. To complement the review, case studies illustrating real-world applications and impacts of ChatGPT in content creation will be analyzed.

The objective is to provide an encompassing overview of the techniques, applications, and ethical considerations associated with ChatGPT's role in content creation, laying the groundwork for future research and practice. While the journey through AI in content creation is just beginning, it promises a future of innovation, disruption, and immense potential.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Misinformation Propagation: The spread of false or inaccurate information, often with the intent to deceive. In the context of AI-generated content, this term relates to the potential misuse of AI tools to create and disseminate false or misleading information, also known as “deepfakes.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI): A branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks may include learning from experience, understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, and making decisions.

AI-Generated Content Consumption Patterns: The ways in which audiences interact with, consume, and are influenced by content generated by AI. This can involve personalized content experiences, potential creation of “filter bubbles,” and shifting user engagement patterns.

Bias in AI: Refers to the systematic error introduced into AI outputs due to the bias inherent in the training data. Bias in AI may lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes, often perpetuating existing societal biases.

ChatGPT: A large-scale AI language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text. ChatGPT learns from a vast dataset of internet text and is used in various applications such as drafting emails, writing articles, creating conversational agents, tutoring, translation, and more.

Intellectual Property (IP): Legal rights that result from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, and artistic fields. In the context of AI-generated content, IP concerns may revolve around issues of ownership, authorship, and rights to the generated content.

Plagiarism: The act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper acknowledgment. In the context of AI-generated content, concerns may arise if the generated content inadvertently resembles source texts.

Ethical Concerns: Refers to the moral issues, dilemmas, and standards related to AI and its applications. In the context of AI-generated content, these may include concerns about bias, intellectual property, privacy, accountability, and the societal impact of AI technologies.

Content Generation: The process of creating, developing, and editing information, particularly digital content, to disseminate through online platforms or other media.

Societal Impact: The effect of an innovation or change on the functioning of society, encompassing a wide range of effects on living conditions, social structures, roles, and interactions. With AI-generated content, societal impact may relate to the shaping of public opinion, misinformation propagation, and changing content consumption patterns.

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