Chaotic and Complex Situations in Girls' Education: Problems and Solutions

Chaotic and Complex Situations in Girls' Education: Problems and Solutions

Mehmet Özbaş
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0460-3.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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It is mainly concentrated on variables which prevent girls' education in this study. The aim of this study is to describe chaos, complication and antidemocratic practices that emerge on girls' education. A wide comprehensive literature survey is performed on variables which concern the variables of girls' education for the scope of the study. This study is a survey designed model that aims to define the properties concerning the girls' education. Many social, economic, political and cultural problems create negative effects on girls' education. Not being able to make democracy a life style brings along girls' not being able to make use of education as it should be which is a human right. As a result, it is emphasized that only “whole democratic life style” practice for all could solve the problem of “social inequality of girls” which is enduring for ages.
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In this section of the study, reasons of the chaos and complexity experienced for the education of female children were emphasized. In this sense, familial, social, cultural, political, and administrative variables that prevent female children from education especially in democratic management systems were discussed.

Women and girls have always been the social side of humankind that have been abused and neglected throughout the history of humanity. This claim cannot be considered as exaggerated. Even in democratic countries, humankind entered the New Millennium (3rd Millennium) without finding a solution to the problem of equality of women and men (Buyruk, 2008; Gage, 2013; Kocacık & Gökkaya, 2005; Taner & Gökler, 2004). The chaos and complexity female children experience in terms of social, political, economic, and cultural aspects is one of the basic problem areas of democratic management systems. Democratic regimes have to find multiple and pluralistic solutions to this “chronic social problem” through a “chaotic management approach” (Erçetin & Maya, 2005; Ereş, 2006; UNESCO, 2010). Female children’s not benefiting from educational opportunities properly is the leading factor on the basis of problems they experience.

It is necessary to look for the reasons that prevent education of female students in direct or indirect effects of socio-economic variables families have. Female children are negatively affected from administrative implementations related to education such as the reasons arisen from familial and social surrounding properties as the leading. This causes chaos and complexity in their education. The situations that create chaos in education of female children are: Socio-economic situation of families, negative social surrounding variables, inadequacy of the income level, and low level social status and education of parents, especially of mother (Wallace-Bruce, 2010). Moreover, inefficiency of schools, especially pre-school teaching and compulsory teaching, is another important variable (Özbaş, 2009; Özbaş, 2010).

Purpose of the Study

Management systems are obliged to actualize the implementations that will reveal the satisfaction level and quality of services they render for their societies (Taş & Yenilmez, 2008). In this sense, democratic management systems have important administrative obligations. When considered in terms of social aspects, it is clear that there are significant discrimination activities in implementations related to female gender. One of these implementations is the chaos, complexity and problematic situations encountered by female children in education. Female children cannot equally benefit from educational opportunities properly according to the social classes, and they experience important problems. These problems cause chaotic situations in time. In terms of democratic management implementations based upon social justice, it is necessary to discuss in comprehensive studies to what extent female children benefit from democratic educational opportunities. For that reason, it was aimed to emphasize chaotic situations encountered in education of female children in this study.

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